Red Book of the Kemerovo Region. T. 2. Rare and Endangered Species of Animals

Red Book of the Kemerovo Region: [in 2 tons] / Administration of the Kemerovo Region, Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region; [Buko TE and others; responsible editor: Doctor of Biological Sciences, prof. AN Kupriyanov]. - 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. -Kemerovo: Asia Print, 2012. - .
I. Buko, Tatyana Evgenevna. II. Kupriyanov, Andrei Nikolaevich (Doctor of Biological Sciences). III. The Kemerovo Region. Administration. IV. The Kemerovo Region. Department of Natural Resources and Ecology. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Kemerovo Region (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. The natural environment of Russia (collection). 5. Red Book - Kemerovo Region.
BBC 28.588 (2Phos-4Kem) I26
BBK 28.688 (2Ros-4Kem) I26
BBK 20.1
Source of electronic copy: Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of Kemerovo region
Location of original: Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of Kemerovo Region
T. 2: Rare and threatened species of animals / [Skalon NV and others; responsible editor: D.Sc., prof. NV Skalon]. - 191 with. : color. ил., карт .. -
List of Bibliography: с. 180-185. - Alphabetical index of Russian names: p. 186-187. - Alphabetical index of Latin names: p. 188-189.
. -1000 copies. -ISBN 5-85119-080-9 .
I. Skalon, Nikolai Vasilyevich (doctor of pedagogical sciences) .1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Kemerovo Region (collection). 3. Natural wealth of Russia (collection). 4. The natural environment of Russia (collection). 5. Red Book - Kemerovo Region. 6. Animals - Security - Kemerovo Region.
ББК 28.688 (2Рос-4Кем) я26
ББК 20.1
Source of electronic copy: Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of Kemerovo region
Location of original: Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of Kemerovo Region
ISBN 5-85119-080-9
Publisher Азия Принт
Catalogue object