Kemerovo Oblast
Kemerovo Oblast
Red Book of the Kemerovo Region. T. 1. Rare and endangered species of plants and fungi
Red Book of the Kemerovo Region. Kemerovo: Asia Print, 2012.
T. 1: Rare and threatened species of plants and fungi.
T. 1: Rare and threatened species of plants and fungi.
Департамент природных ресурсов и экологии Кемеровской области
Red Book of the Kemerovo Region. T. 2. Rare and Endangered Species of Animals
Red Book of the Kemerovo Region. Kemerovo: Asia Print, 2012.
T. 2: Rare and Endangered Species of Animals.
T. 2: Rare and Endangered Species of Animals.
Департамент природных ресурсов и экологии Кемеровской области