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History and culture: The exhibition “Russian hunting in the XVIII - XIX centuries. Fun and Fishing" in Gatchina Palace
28 October 2018
October 26, 2018 the Arsenal square of the Gatchina Palace (Leningrad Region) hosts the exhibition “Russian Hunting in the XVIII - XIX Centuries. Fun and Fishing”. The exhibition features more than two hundred items from the largest museum collections in St. Petersburg and private collections: painting, drawing, sculpture, photographs, hunting weapons, costumes, trophies and musical instruments.
, скульптура, фотографии, охотничье оружие, костюмы, трофеи и музыкальные инструменты.
Две главных..., скульптура, фотографии, охотничье оружие, костюмы, трофеи и музыкальные инструменты.
Year of Russian Cinema 2016: Gorky Film Studio presents the exhibition "Russian cinema: history and modernity" in Cannes
25 August 2016
By the Day of Russian Cinema, which is celebrated on August 27, the Gorky Film Studio presents in Cannes (France) the exhibition "Russian cinema: history and modernity", which shows movie posters and costumes from the film studio of funds, as well as posters, postcards, photographs and other materials from the funds Museum of contemporary history of Russia.
и костюмы из фондов киностудии, а также плакаты, открытки, фотографии и другие материалы из фондов Музея... возможность представить экспонаты из коллекции исторических костюмов студии не только в России... и костюмы из фондов киностудии, а также плакаты, открытки, фотографии и другие материалы из фондов Музея современной истории России.
Unique materials of the Presidential Library are single-click easy now
8 August 2017
The Presidential Library launched a new Internet portal, which significantly expanded a package and a quality of offered services. The long stages of project work on design and development have preceded a release, and at the end the website successfully helps everyone who wants to get familiar with all variety of the digital library stock. At the heart of the concept of the new Internet resource is the experience of the Presidential Library as the first completely digital national library for...
и качество услуг, предоставляемых пользователям. Запуску предшествовали длительные этапы проектирования... проектирования и разработки, и сегодня проект успешно помогает всем желающим знакомиться с многообразием
Birth of Paul P. Melnikov, Head of Railways Department of the Russian Empire, railway transport engineer
3 August 1804
July 22 (August 3), 1804 in Moscow was born Paul Petrovich Melnikov, a Russian engineer and scientist in the field of railway transport, the Head of the Department of Railways of the Russian Empire (1862-1869), honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1858), a member of the State Council of the Russian Empire (1863), member of design and construction of the railway Petersburg - Moscow, Russian author of the first theoretical work on the railway business.
империи (1863); участник проектирования и строительства железной дороги Петербург — Москва, автор первого... империи (1863); участник проектирования и строительства железной дороги Петербург — Москва, автор
Exhibitions: The Saratov Local History Museum mounts the exposition “Winter Fairy Tale”
27 December 2019
On December 25, 2019 the Saratov Local History Museum staged the exhibition “Winter Fairy Tale”. It showcases Christmas trees and decorations dating from different epochs, fancy dresses, masks, snowmen and Fathers Frost, factory- and home-made toys, New Year and Christmas cards, books and other holiday-related items - from the beginning of the 20th century to the early 21st century.
». На ней представлены ёлки с украшениями разных эпох, маскарадные костюмы, маски, снеговики и Деды... сказка». На ней представлены ёлки с украшениями разных эпох, маскарадные костюмы, маски, снеговики
The Year of Theatre in Russia 2019: “Theatre Season” exhibition staged in Novosibirsk
12 March 2019
The exhibition “Theatre Season” will kick off on March 12, 2019 in the Novosibirsk City Museum. Visitors will have an opportunity to learn about the activities of major theatres of Novosibirsk.
увидят подлинные предметы, задействованные в спектаклях, костюмы и бутафорию. Выставка посвящена... новосибирского театра оперы и балета, металлический меч из спектакля «Макбет», подлинные костюмы актёров Г... музея увидят подлинные предметы, задействованные в спектаклях, костюмы и бутафорию. Выставка посвящена Году театра в России.
Trams and trolleybuses in the city on the Neva: the Presidential Library honored the winners of the Children's Drawing Contest
30 August 2019
Elephants on tram rails and women in outlandish costumes on the streets of St. Petersburg became the main characters in the drawings of the participants of the VI Trams and Trolleybuses in the City on the Neva Contest. The results of the creative contest were traditionally summed up on the eve of the new academic year, on August 29, 2019, at the official award ceremony at the Museum of Urban Electric Transport with the participation of the Presidential Library.
Слоны на трамвайных рельсах и женщины в диковинных костюмах на улицах Санкт-Петербурга – именно...Слоны на трамвайных рельсах и женщины в диковинных костюмах на улицах Санкт-Петербурга – именно
The Presidential Library’s materials presented at the exhibition of works by Ryazan craftswomen
2 November 2022
The Literacy Center of the Gorky Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library hosted the opening of an exhibition of works by young craftswomen “Ryazanochki”. It features author's products made by students of the "Vyshevka" and "Kruzhevo" workshops of Children's Art School No. 1. Employees of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library entered the exposition with materials from the institution's collections telling about the national costumes of the peoples of Russia.
, рассказывающими о национальных костюмах народов России.
Юные мастерицы изучают традиционные для Рязанского... Регионального центра Президентской библиотеки дополнили экспозицию материалами из фонда учреждения, рассказывающими о национальных костюмах народов России.
Year of Theatre in Russia 2019: Exhibition of the Western European scenography and rare books to open in Astrakhan
1 November 2019
As part of the events devoted to the Year of Theatre in Russia, on November 1, 2019 the Astrakhan Art Gallery (World Art Department) is presenting an exhibition of Western European prints and rare books from the collections of the gallery and the Krupskaya Regional Research Library. Unique examples of Western European scenography and rare books on the history of European costumes of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance have been put on display for the first time.
тематики и редкие издания из истории европейского костюма средневековья и эпохи Возрождения. Цветные... детской тематики и редкие издания из истории европейского костюма средневековья и эпохи Возрождения.
Society and Culture: 47th All-Russian Lermontov Poetry Festival is launched in Penza Region
6 July 2018
The 47th All-Russian Lermontov Poetry Festival is opening in Penza on July 6. On this day an outdoor library will welcome its visitors, while works of young artists will be displayed as a part of an exhibition. Apart from this, guests of the celebrations will have a chance to see the show of costumes of 19th century, and listen to the poems of Mikhail Lermontov recited by the artists of «The Poet’s Voice» theatre.
. Помимо этого, гостей праздника ждет дефиле в костюмах XIX века, прозвучат стихи Михаила Лермонтова.... Помимо этого, гостей праздника ждет дефиле в костюмах XIX века, прозвучат стихи Михаила Лермонтова в исполнении артистов театра «Голос поэта».
History and Culture: Exhibition “Oriental Motifs in European Art” staged in the Museum of the History of Religion in St. Petersburg
25 June 2019
On June 20, 2019 the State Museum of the History of Religion presented the exhibition, which highlights oriental motifs in the works of European artists. The exhibition “Oriental Motifs in European Art” is staged as part of the “Islam” permanent exposition. It showcases interior objects in the Moorish style, paintings, graphic works, items of the national costume (tubeteika, ‘kothornos’ shoes etc.), chased works from the museum collections.
, графика, детали национального костюма (тюбетейки, туфли-котурны и др.), чеканная утварь..., живопись, графика, детали национального костюма (тюбетейки, туфли-котурны и др.), чеканная утварь из коллекции музея.
Photo exhibition dedicated to the centenary anniversary of the Republic of Bashkortostan inaugurated in the capital of Kazakhstan
25 July 2019
The photo exhibition “With love for the Motherland” by Ludmila Kamneva, a photo artist from Ufa was opened at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Nur-Sultan. The exposition is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Republic of Bashkortostan: in 1919 an agreement was signed between the Russian Workers' and Peasants' Government and the Bashkir Government on the formation of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The exhibition of photographs was added with...
Республики. Выставку фотографий дополнили национальные костюмы, предметы декоративно-прикладного искусства... Республики. Выставку фотографий дополнили национальные костюмы, предметы декоративно-прикладного искусства, тематическая книжная экспозиция.
Exhibitions: The objects, created for the opening ceremony of the XXII Olympic Winter Games, presented in Moscow
20 December 2014
VDNkH (Moscow) presents the main winter event of the year - an exhibition of objects created for the opening ceremony of the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi - "Mechanics of a miracle".
2015 в историческом павильоне «Космос» будут экспонироваться уникальные костюмы, декорации... зрителя в контекст и показать прообразы декораций, объектов, костюмов и хореографических композиций... весны 2015 в историческом павильоне «Космос» будут экспонироваться уникальные костюмы, декорации
Year of Theatre in Russia 2019: Exhibition “Tsarist Russia on the Imperial Stage” mounted in Tver
13 November 2019
The Tver Regional Art Gallery invites visitors to the Imperial Palace to attend the exhibition “Tsarist Russia on the Imperial Stage”, which provides the atmosphere of theatrical productions. The exhibition is mounted to mark the Year of Theatre in Russia. On display are historical costumes from the collections of the Alexandrinsky Theatre.
сцене». Концепция экспозиции, представляющей исторические костюмы из коллекции Александринского... сценических костюмов, мебели, реквизита, бутафории, созданных по эскизам выдающихся художников: Е. П... коллекция» из фондов театра: эскизы, костюмы и реквизит из легендарных спектаклей XIX-XX веков, посвящённых... на императорской сцене». Концепция экспозиции, представляющей исторические костюмы из коллекции Александринского
Presidential Library’s materials spotlight “singer of Russian life” Ivan Bilibin
16 August 2019
August 16, 2019 marks the 143th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Bilibin (1876–1942), artist, past master of the national form in art, who opened the world of Russian fairy tales to several generations of children. In theater, he designed the famous ballet The Firebird in Paris to the music of Stravinsky. He created sketches of costumes and sets for the operas by A. P. Borodin “Prince Igor” and N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Tale of Tsar Saltan. He vividly asserted himself on the stages of Egypt,...
Стравинского, им были созданы эскизы костюмов и декораций к операм А. П. Бородина «Князь Игорь» и Н... в Париже знаменитый балет «Жар-птица» на музыку Стравинского, им были созданы эскизы костюмов и декораций