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Documents on portal of Presidential Library tell about development of art during the Great Patriotic War

3 May 2024
On May 3, 2024, the Collection "World War II in Archival documents" on the Presidential Library's portal was replenished with more than 40 photographic documents and manuscripts from the collections of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI) and the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF) of the key period of the Great Patriotic War (from November 19, 1942 to November 7, 1944).
время создавали многие художники, но для большинства читателей самыми узнаваемыми стали рисунки

Society and Culture: Film ‘Russia From Above’ launched the film programme of the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum at Lendoc

14 November 2019
Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Olga Golodets became one of the first viewers of the film Russia from Above. The film was shown on November 14 at the Lendoc Film Studio (Kryukov Canal Embankment, 12) as part of the official programme of the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum.
Циолковский сделал 30 чертежей ракетоплана. Позже эти рисунки были объединены в «Альбом космических

The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

20 September 2013
The collection of the Presidential Library Territory of Russia has been enriched with materials received from the Russian State Historical Archive.
общественных и государственных учреждений и частных лиц. Составлен 21 февраля 1841 г. : копия / рис

The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

11 December 2015
The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with archival materials from the Russian State Historical Archive (Fund 1603), reflecting the life and work of the historian, writer, professor of the Kiev and the St. Petersburg Universities, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Sciences, one of the leaders of the St. Cyril and Methodius, the author of a multivolume publication "Russian history in the lives of its leaders" Nikolai Ivanovich Kostomarov (1817-1885).
деятельности Н. И. Костомарова с изображением обложки альбома по рисунку профессора Н. Н. Ге работы художника

The history of the Great Victory illustrated on the pages of newspapers and magazines

13 January 2020
January 13 marks the Day of Russian Press, which has more than three hundred years of history. On this day in 1703, in Moscow, by decree of Peter the Great, the issue of the first Russian printed newspaper Vedomosti was published.
в феврале 1942 года, размещён рисунок художницы Афанасьевой «Встреча», на котором изображены

Anniversary of foundation of Alexander S. Pushkin Museum in Bernovo village

6 June 1971
June 6, 1971 in the village of Bernovo, Staritsky district, Tver region, was founded a museum of Alexander S. Pushkin.  
представлены черновые рукописи, рисунки поэта, автографы стихотворений «Анчар», «Поэт и толпа», «Зимнее

Presidential Library tells about poet and official Gavriil Derzhavin

14 July 2024
On July 14, 1743, Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin, a Russian poet and statesman, was born. The Presidential Library's portal presents an electronic collection dedicated to Derzhavin that includes digital copies of rare books, such as one of his first collections, archival documents, and periodicals. Visual materials are also available.
, гравер Чемесов из Академии художеств, увидев рисунки юноши, очень его хвалил и даже обещал

The Presidential Library marking the birthday of the outstanding Russian navigator Ivan Krusenstern

19 November 2023
Adam Johann was the name given at birth to the man who glorified the Russian fleet for centuries, but under a different name. On November 19, 1770, the famous navigator Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern was born. The collections of the Presidential Library contain a lot of materials dedicated to him - historical documents, studies, atlases, maps and much more.
рисунки из различных архивов, «прокомментированные» фрагментами из дневников участников экспедиции

The school of the future starts today. The Presidential Library marking the Knowledge Day

1 September 2023
September 1, no matter what day of the week this date falls on, is a holiday for Russian teachers and lecturers, for schoolchildren and students. The beginning of a new academic year is always the beginning of an exciting journey into the world of knowledge for all who joins it.
видеолекций учащиеся могут проследить историю создания «Преступления и наказания» через рисунки
