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International events: Exhibition of book graphics, dedicated to the cross Year of Culture of Great Britain and Russia 2014, in Tambov
11 March 2014
The exhibition from the collection of the Tambov Regional Art Gallery "Heroes of English literature in the book graphics of Russian artists of the late XX early XXI century" is dedicated to the cross Year of Culture of Great Britain and Russia in 2014.
, средневековому роману «Тристан и Изольда». Графические работы выполнены в технике офорта
History of a Book: Exhibition “Novel with a book” in Yekaterinburg
26 February 2014
The exhibition “Novel with a book. Book illustration of V. Volovich 1960s-1980s from the collection of the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts. Gift of the artist” opens on February 26, 2014.
. Стивенсона «Вересковый мед», трагедии И. Гёте «Эгмонт», роману Ж. Бедье «Тристан и Изольда
Internet and culture: The Vienne Opera opened a portal for the Internet broadcasting in high resolution
16 October 2013
The Vienna Opera launches an online portal for the broadcasting of shows in high resolution. Now anyone who has access to the Internet can become a patron of the Vienna Opera.
флейта» Моцарта, «Тристан и Изольда» Вагнера и «Щелкунчик» Чайковского в хореографии Нуриева.