16th century
16th century
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Notes on Muscovy XVI century
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Б-ка Франко
Notes on Muscovy John Pernshtein and Prince Daniel von Buchau
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Report on Muscovy John Pernshtein, Ambassador of the Emperor Maximilian II at the Moscow Court in 1575
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Materials for the history of the Muscovite state in the 16th and 17th centuries. Issue. 3. "Troubled Time" in contemporary Polish literature,
Verzhbovskii, Fedor Frantsevich (1853-1923).
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Warsaw: Type. Warsaw academic district, 1896-1903. 1900.
Materials for the history of the Muscovite state in the 16th and 17th centuries. Issue. 4. Report of John Cobenzel on Muscovy from 1576
Verzhbovskii, Fedor Frantsevich (1853-1923).
Materials for the history of the Muscovite state in the 16th and 17th centuries. Issue. 4: Report of John Cobenzel on Muscovy from 1576.
Warsaw: Type. Warsaw academic district, 1896-1903. 1901.
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Notes on Muscovite war (1578-1582)
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Travel to Russia by the Danish Envoy
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- The book by Herberstein
Notes on Muscovite Affairs
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A collection published by students of the Imperial Petersburg University.
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The case of the rejection of the request of G. Favitsky to publish at the expense of the treasury of his manuscript "The Journey to Moscow of Baron S. Gerberstein in the 16th Century," a translation from Latin, in connection with the negative reviews of the transfer of academicians Ya.D. Zakharov and F.I. Krug
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Education.
The case of the rejection of G. Favitsky's request for the publication of his manuscript "The Journey to Moscow of Baron S. Gerberstein in the 16th Century" due to the treasury, a translation from Latin, in connection with the negative feedback about the transfer of academicians Ya. D. Zakharov and F. I. Krug.Москва. Иностранцы о Московии
Москва. Иностранцы о Московии. - The book by Fletcher
On the state of Russian
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Notes of the Historical and Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg University.
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В сочинении «О двух Сарматиях» (1517) польского писателя Матвея из Мехова много историко-топографических сведений о России.