Notes on Muscovite Affairs

Herberstein, Sigismund von (1486-1566).
Notes on Muscovite affairs / Bar. Sigismund Herberstein. A book about the Moscow Embassy: From the annex. 2 port. in paints, 8 Fig. at the Dep. l., 34 pic. in the text and in detail. decree. / Pavel Jovius of Novokomsky [Paolo Giovio]; Introduction., Trans. and note. A.I. Maleina. - St. Petersburg: A.S. Suvorin, 1908. - [4], XLII, [14], 383 pp., 10 liters. yl. : ill. ; 30. -
2 ext. tit. l. basal. ed. 1556 in the lat. and Rus.
I. Malein, Alexander Iustinovich (1869-1938).
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher издание А. С. Суворина
Catalogue object