The Red Cross
The Red Cross
- Activities of the Red Cross at the time of the Provisional Government
Presentation of the Commissar of the Provisional Government on the Russian Red Cross Society on the extension of the "Provisional Regulations on Wartime Officials" to employees of the Red Cross Society
Introducing the Commissar of the Provisional Government on the Russian Red Cross Society on the extension of the "Provisional Regulations on Wartime Officials" to employees of the Red Cross Society.The attitude of the Central Department of the Red Cross on the appointment of a Red Cross commissioner for direct communication with the Provisional Government and the revision of the personnel of the Main Directorate
All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies of the First convocation.
The attitude of the General Directorate of the Red Cross on the appointment of a Red Cross commissioner for direct communication with the Provisional Government and for the revision of the personnel of the Main Directorate.Correspondence with the Minister of Finance on donations for the Russian army and navy, on the rights to pension of Red Cross employees, on raising pensions and benefits to employees, on banning malt beverages and on other issues
Correspondence with the Minister of Finance on donations for the Russian army and navy, on the rights to retirement of employees of the Red Cross, on raising pensions and benefits to employees, on banning malt beverages and on other issues.Protocol No. 117 of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Council of Soldiers 'Deputies of the Solmas region (Persia) of September 25, 1917, and a telegram from the Kazvinsky Soviet of Soldiers' Deputies and the Chief of the Inderkamsk 6th Caucasian Packed Forward Corps "K
All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies of the First convocation.
Minutes No. 117 of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Council of Soldiers 'Deputies of the Solmas region (Persia) of September 25, 1917 and the telegrams of the Kazvinsky Soviet of Soldiers' Deputies and the Chief of the Inderkamsk 6th Caucasian Pack of the Red Cross (Persia) on the deportation of newspapers and other editions of the Provisional Government. - The Red Cross in the USSR
- Charters, legislative acts
Draft Charter, the main provisions for the reorganization of the Red Cross Society of the RSFSR and the appeal of the Committee for the Reorganization of the Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Draft Charter, the main provisions for the reorganization of the Red Cross Society of the RSFSR and the appeal of the Committee for the Redesign of the Red Cross Society.Decisions of the Council of People's Commissars and correspondence with the Central Collegium of the Red Cross, the Higher Council of Medical Colleges and other institutions on the organization of health
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Decisions of the Council of People's Commissars and correspondence with the Central Collegium of the Red Cross, the Higher Council of Medical Colleges and other institutions on the organization of health care.Projects for the organization of the health department of the Central and Regional Red Cross agencies in Moscow, correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Health on this issue and the organization of health care
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
The projects of the organization of the health department of the Central Red Cross and the Department of Red Cross institutions in Moscow, correspondence with the People's Commissariat of Health on this issue and the organization of health care. - Orders of the Russian Red Cross Society Central Board
Orders of the Central Collegium for the Management of Affairs of the Russian Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Orders of the Central Collegium for the Management of Affairs of the Russian Red Cross Society.Orders for the Office of the Central Commission for Managing the Affairs of the Russian Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Orders for the Office of the Central Commission for Managing the Affairs of the Russian Red Cross Society.Orders of the Committee for the Reorganization of the Russian Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Orders of the Committee for the Reorganization of the Russian Red Cross Society.Orders and circulars of the Russian Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Orders and circulars of the Russian Red Cross Society.Orders and minutes of meetings of the Central Collegium of the Russian Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Orders and minutes of meetings of the Central Collegium of the Russian Red Cross Society. - Records of meetings of the Russian Red Cross Society Central Board
Protocols of the sessions of the Presidium of the Central Board of the Russian Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Minutes of the sessions of the Presidium of the Central Board of the Russian Red Cross Society.Minutes of meetings of the Central Board of the Russian Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Minutes of meetings of the Central Board of the Russian Red Cross Society.Protocols of the sessions of the Central Collegium of the Russian Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Minutes of meetings of the Central Board of the Russian Red Cross Society. - Other issues
Report of the Commission on Elimination of the former Proletarian Red Cross and correspondence on the reorganization of the Russian Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Report of the Commission for Elimination of the former Proletarian Red Cross and correspondence on the reorganization of the Russian Red Cross Society.Telegrams and records of negotiations on direct wire with the Russian Peace Delegation in Kiev about the agents of the Russian Food Bureau, the arrest of the Odessa Consulate General, the Red Cross in the Crimea, the passage of trains through Ukraine and other issues
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Telegrams and records of negotiations on a direct wire with the Russian Peace Delegation in Kiev about the agents of the Russian Food Bureau, the arrest of the Odessa Consulate General, the Red Cross in the Crimea, the passage of trains through Ukraine and other matters.A sample of the protection certificate of the Russian Red Cross, according to the 1906 convention and the order of the commander-in-chief of the German troops in Ukraine, General Eichhorn
Documentary materials from the period of the First World War and the interim government (Collection of documents received from the USSR Academy of Sciences).
A sample of the protection certificate of the Russian Red Cross, according to the 1906 convention and the order of the commander-in-chief of the German troops in Ukraine, General Eichhorn.Agreement on mutual exchange of hostages between the Russian and Polish Red Cross Society
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Agreement on the mutual exchange of hostages between the Russian and Polish Red Cross Society.Correspondence with the Russian Red Cross Society about claims to a society of different persons and on other issues
Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).
Correspondence with the Russian Red Cross Society about claims to the society of different persons and on other issues.Calculation book of the sister of mercy EN Skalon
Skalon Mikhail Nikolayevich, Major-General.
The settlement book of the sister of mercy EN Skalon.Passport book EN Skalon
Skalon Mikhail Nikolayevich, Major-General.
The passport book of EN Skalon.Personal documents of EN Skalon and a copy of the order of the authorized RCCA
Skalon Mikhail Nikolayevich, Major-General.
Personal documents of EN Skalon and a copy of the order of the authorized ROCC.Journal of the meeting of the Special Commission of the Main Directorate of the RCCC No. 70, 71, 118
Nikolai Tchaikovsky, participant in the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, creator of the Tchaikovsky Society, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, head of the Supreme Administration of the Northern Region, head of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, member of the South Russian government under General AI Denikin.
Journal of the meeting of the Special Commission of the Main Directorate of the RCCC No. 70, 71, 118.