Leningrad Region
Leningrad Region
The social project "Be independent" (LBU LO Center "Molodezhny")
The social project "Be independent" (LBU LO Center "Molodezhny"). Leningrad Region, 2016.
The social project "You live well!"
The social project "You live very well!". Leningrad Region, 2017.
<div> <table style ="font-size: 12pt; border: 0" cellspacing ="1" cellpadding ="5"> <tr> <td> Library. Moscow: Book and Business JSC, 1923-. <br> 1926. No. 1. January. 1926. </td> </tr> </table> </div>
Social project "The Open Scene.LO". Leningrad Region, 2017.