Administrative management
Administrative management
P.D. Aksakov and management of the Ufa province (1719-1744)
P.D. Aksakov and management of the Ufa province (1719-1744). 2007.
The activities of the Ufa Governor A.S. Klyucharyov (1905-1911). NO BOT
The activities of the Ufa Governor A.S. Klyucharyov (1905-1911 gg.) There is no BW. 2008.
Ufa Gubernia Administration: organizational formation and improvement of the administrative apparatus (1865-1917).
Ufa provincial administration: organizational development and improvement of the administrative apparatus (1865-1917). 2013.
Activity of the Provisional Revolutionary Council of Bashkortostan NO BO
The activities of the Provisional Revolutionary Council of Bashkortostan NO BO. 2008.
Formation of the party apparatus of the Bashkir ASSR of the NEP period
Formation of the party apparatus of the Bashkir ASSR of the NEP period. 2012.
Formation and development of the Republic of Bashkortostan as a subject of the Russian Federation
Krylov, Vladimir Mikhailovich (Candidate of Law). Formation and development of the Republic of Bashkortostan as a subject of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2007.