Region’s part in the foreign policy of the state
Region’s part in the foreign policy of the state
Bashkirs in the wars of Russia in the first quarter of the XIX century
Bashkirs in the wars of Russia in the first quarter of the XIX century. 2014.
The Case of the Formation of the Bashkir Cossack Regiments
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Film The Case of the Formation of the Bashkir Cossack Regiments.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
The Bashkirs. Participation in the Patriotic War of 1812
The Bashkirs. Participation in the Patriotic War of 1812.
- The region during the Great Patriotic War
Order of the USSR GKO No. 154 of the SS on the reduction of the control figure for the deployment of hospitals of the second stage in Ufa, with the application of the encryption telegram of Anoshin I. S. Molotov V. M.
F. 644.Order of the USSR GKO No. 154 of the SS on the reduction of the control figure for the deployment of hospitals of the second stage in Ufa, with the application of the encryption telegram of Anoshin I. S. Molotov V. M.Decree of the USSR GKO No. 1405 C to transfer CIAM from Ufa to Moscow, with the application of a note by Malenkov G. M., Shakhurin A. I. Stalin I.V.
F. 644.Decree of the USSR GKO No. 1405 C to transfer CIAM from Ufa to Moscow, with the application of a note by Malenkov G. M., Shakhurin A. I. Stalin I.V.