Activities of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counterrevolution and Sabotage under the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR
Activities of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counterrevolution and Sabotage under the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR
- General section
Emergency commissions to combat counter-revolution
Latsis, Martin Ivanovich Emergency commissions to combat counter-revolution.
M .: State. publishing house, 1921.Correspondence with the emergency commission to combat the counter-revolution on the acceleration of the investigation, liberation on bail and on other issues
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Correspondence with the emergency commission to combat the counter-revolution on the acceleration of the investigation, liberation on bail and on other issues.Correspondence with the All-Russian Emergency Commission on Hosters
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Correspondence with the All-Russian Emergency Commission on hostages.Telegrams about the organization of the Soviet Authority in the field, on the formation of state control and emergency commissions to combat counter-revolution
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Telegrams about the organization of the Soviet apparatus in the field, on the formation of state control and emergency commissions to combat counter-revolution.Correspondence of the All-Russian Emergency Commission and the Revolutionary Tribunal on the consideration of applications of various persons accused of counter-revolution, sabotage and speculation
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Correspondence of the All-Russian Emergency Commission and the Revolutionary Tribunal on the consideration of applications of different persons accused of counter-revolution, sabotage and speculation.Notifications of the All-Russian Emergency Commission on the release of prisoners from the arrest
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Notifications of the All-Russian Emergency Commission on the release of prisoners from under arrest.Correspondence with the All-Russian Emergency Commission on Acceleration of Consequences of Prisoners
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Correspondence with the All-Russian Emergency Commission on the acceleration of consequences of prisoners."Shield and Sword of the Revolution": to the 100th anniversary of the All-Russian Emergency Commission. Chekist in life, cinema and literature
"Shield and Sword of the Revolution": to the 100th anniversary of the All-Russian Emergency Commission. Security officer in life, cinema and literature. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2018. - About the life and activities of F. E. Dzerzhinsky - the first Chairman of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission
Felix Dzerzhinsky
Felix Dzerzhinsky.Moscow: State Publishing House, 1926.Felix Dzerzhinsky
Felix Dzerzhinsky. Moscow: Publishing Association of Artists roar. Russia (AHRR), 1927.He was - the revolution itself (Felix Dzerzhinsky)
Mileikovsky, S. He was - the revolution itself (Felix Dzerzhinsky). Moscow: Izd-vo All-Union. the islands of political prisoners and settlers, 1931.Glorious twenty years of Soviet intelligence. Felix Dzerzhinsky
Mikoyan, Anastas Ivanovich. Glorious twenty years of Soviet intelligence; Felix Dzerzhinsky. M.: Mol. Guards, 1938.F. E. Dzerzhinsky
Nadrebaum, Moses Solomonovich (1869-1958).F. E. Dzerzhinsky.F. E. Dzerzhinsky and members of the College of the Cheka.1919
F. E. Dzerzhinsky and members of the College of the Cheka.1919F. E. Dzerzhinsky at the parade of GPU troops on Red Square on the day of the five-year period of the Cheka-GPU.1922
F. E. Dzerzhinsky at the parade of GPU troops on Red Square on the day of the five-year period of the Cheka-GPU.1922M. [!] P. Tolkunov.B.1917. Lenin and Dzerzhinsky listen to the report of the military commissioner of the Border Guard PF Fedotov.1918, 1959. Oil on canvas.Central Museum of the Border Troops
M. [!] P. Tolkunov.B.1917. Lenin and Dzerzhinsky listen to the report of the military commissioner of the Border Guard PF Fedotov.1918, 1959. Oil on canvas.Central Museum of the Border Guard.NP Tolkunov.B.1917. Lenin gives F. Dzerzhinsky ruling People's Commissars on the establishment of the Cheka.1959. Oil on canvas.Central Museum of the Border Troops
NP Tolkunov.B.1917. Lenin gives F. Dzerzhinsky ruling People's Commissars on the establishment of the Cheka.1959. Oil on canvas.Central Museum of the Border Guard.F. E. Dzerzhinsky
F. E. Dzerzhinsky.Unknown Dzerzhinsky
Ratkovsky, Ilya Sergeevich (candidate of historical sciences, 1967-). Unknown Dzerzhinsky. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.