Imperial philanthropic society. The Imperial Philanthropic Society. Highest approved by the handwritten signature of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna Charter of the estate for the charity of the underage poor
Imperial philanthropic society.
Russia. Imperial philanthropic society. Highest approved by the handwritten signature of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna Charter of the estate for the charity of the underage poor. 1816.
Russia. Imperial philanthropic society. Highest approved by the handwritten signature of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna Charter of the estate for the charity of the underage poor. 1816.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
- Women’s Patriotic Society
Imperial philanthropic society. The Imperial Philanthropic Society. Rescript of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna addressed to Prince AN. Golitsyna about the St. Petersburg Women's Patriotic Society
Imperial philanthropic society.
Russia. Imperial philanthropic society. Rescript of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna addressed to Prince AN. Golitsyna about the St. Petersburg Women's Patriotic Society. 1816.The case of the contribution of the female patriotic society from the department of the imperial personification society
Imperial human-loving society.The case of the contribution of the female patriotic society from the department of the imperial human-loving society.Imperial philanthropic society. The Imperial Philanthropic Society. Rescript of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich addressed to Prince Alexander Nikolayevich Golitsyn that the St. Petersburg Patriotic Women's Society will be
Imperial philanthropic society.
Russia. Imperial philanthropic society. Rescript of the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich addressed to Prince Alexander Nikolayevich Golitsyn that the St. Petersburg Patriotic Women's Society will be in the direct jurisdiction of the empress's empress. 1816.The case in the attitude of the St. Petersburg Military Governor's Military General about the addition of arrears listened to the House of Women's Patriotic Society
Department of the Police of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs.The case in relation to the St. Petersburg military general governor about the addition of arrears listed on the house of the female patriotic society.The case, in relation to Her Majesty, Empress Elizavete Alekseevna, a valid Stat adviser Longinov, about awarding Professor of the Academy of Arts, Architect, the College Advisor Alexei Mikhailov, for building a building
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case in relation to Her Majesty of the Soviet Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, the actual Stat adviser Longinov, about awarding Professor of the Academy of Arts, Architect, the College Counselor Alexei Mikhailov, for the construction of the building of the female patriotic society.The case on the appointment of the performance in favor of the female patriotic society
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MIDV.The case on the appointment of the performance in favor of the female patriotic society.On the publication of the new Charter and the state of the female patriotic society
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).On the publication of the new charter and the state of the female patriotic society.
Упоминание Елизаветы Алексеевны (скан 6)