Foreign policy

Foreign policy

Letters from the King of Prussia Frederick William II to the Emperors Paul I and Alexander I

BENKENDORFI. ALOPEUSES. Shuvalov. Benckendorff Alexander Konstantinovich, count, ambassador in Denmark, England. 18 ?? - 1916. Benckendorff Konstantin, father of AK Benkendorf, military agent in Berlin, envoy at the Württemberg court. 1817-1858. Benckendorff Konstantin Khristoforovich, grandfather AK Benckendorff, Adjutant-General, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian-Persian war of 1826-1828, the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. 1785-1828. Alopeus Maxim Maximovich, a relative of Benckendorff, an envoy in Berlin. 1748-1822. Shuvalov Petr Pavlovich, justice of the...
Государственный архив Российской Федерации

The Charter of Paul I on the establishment of a Russian-American company, the patronage of Paul I over the company and the granting of privileges to her for 20 years. December 27, 1799 "The benefits and benefits resulting from our crafts and trade produced by our loyal subjects in the Northeastern Sea and in the region of America in the United States have turned our attention and respect to our hearts"

Russian-American company (St. Petersburg). The Charter of Paul I on the establishment of a Russian-American company, the patronage of Paul I over the company and the granting of privileges to her for 20 years. December 27, 1799 "The benefits and benefits arising for our empire from the crafts and trade produced by our loyal subjects in the Northeastern Sea and in the region of America, have turned our attention to our monarchs and respect." 1799.