- Vladimir Province
The report of the Provincial Zemstvo Board of the Zemsky Assembly .... ... the next 1892 year. ... the next year of 1892. On actions to prevent and combat the cholera epidemic
Vladimir's lips. zemstvo council. Report of the Provincial Zemstvo Board of the Zemsky Assembly ... [Vladimir Gub., 1866] -1917.
... the next 1892: ... the next year of 1892. About actions on the prevention and suppression of the cholera epidemic. 1892.The report of the Provincial Zemstvo Board of the Zemsky Assembly .... ... the next in 1893. ... the next in 1893. On the actions to end the cholera epidemic in 1893
Vladimir's lips. zemstvo council. Report of the Provincial Zemstvo Board of the Zemsky Assembly ... [Vladimir Gub., 1866] -1917.
... the next in 1893: ... the next in 1893. On the actions to end the cholera epidemic in 1893. 1893. - Voronezh Province
The case on the report of the Voronezh Civil Governor on the measures taken during the existence of the disease of cholera
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The case of the report of the Voronezh Civil Governor on the measures taken during the existence of the disease of cholera.Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. The matter of declaring gratitude to the honorary guard of the Voronezh Uyezd School D.I. Dulinov for participation in the fight against cholera
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The matter of declaring gratitude to the honorary guard of the Voronezh Uyezd School D.I. Dulinov for participation in the fight against cholera. 1833. - Kaluga Province
A short essay, committed in Maloyaroslavets, religious ceremonies on the occasion of the known epidemic disease
The manuscripts of works on the Kaluga province (geography, folklore, ethnography).Zubkov, Nicholas.A short essay, committed in Maloyaroslavets, religious ceremonies on the occasion of the known epidemic disease. - Kursk Province
The case of the report of the incumbent Kursk civil governor, of what happened to the peasants of the Putivl district in the estate of the landlord Cherepov confusion and violation of obedience by his peasants when taking measures against the disease of cholera
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The case for reporting the Kursk civil governor, who was in office, about the events that occurred from the peasants of the Putivl district in the estate of the landowner Cherepov, and the violation of obedience by the peasants when he took measures against cholera.Cases concerning the appointment of Staff Lieutenant-FM Puzanov physician Oboyan district school Kursk province, and declaring him a reprimand for refusing to participate in the fight against the cholera epidemic
Public Education Department of the Ministry of Education.Cases concerning the appointment of Staff Lieutenant-FM Puzanov physician Oboyan district school Kursk province, and declaring him a reprimand for refusing to participate in the fight against the cholera epidemic. - Moscow Province
Materials for the history of the cholera epidemic in Moscow
Skvortsov Nikolay.Materials for the history of the cholera epidemic in Moscow.Moscow: Urban typography 1893.The case of the construction of the cloak of the University Hospital P. P. Andreyev Steam Bath for Sick Cholera and Awarding His Order
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the construction of a closer to the University Hospital P. P. Andreyev Steam Bath for Sick Cholera and about the awarding by his Order.The Case of the cholera disease in Moscow
Directorate of the Imperial Theaters Midway.The Case of the cholera disease in Moscow.The thing about sending students of Moscow State University in Moscow hospital in connection with the spread of the cholera epidemic
Public Education Department of the Ministry of Education.The thing about sending students of Moscow State University in Moscow hospital in connection with the spread of the cholera epidemic.The case of a business trip of the doctrine to combat cholera
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MIDV.The case of a business trip of the doctrine to combat cholera.Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. The case against the Minister of the Interior, on the delivery of an opinion on the awarding of officials and other title of persons for their labors
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The case against the Minister of the Interior, on the delivery of an opinion on the rewarding of officials and other title of persons for the efforts to stop cholera in Moscow. 1848.Case of a temporary hospital for patients with cholera
Filaret (before the monk - Vasily Mikhailovich Drozdov), a member of the Synod, rector of the Petersburg Theological Academy, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna (1782-1867).
The case of a temporary hospital for patients with cholera.The case of issuing benefits to the sick cholera and for the burial of the dead from cholera
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MIDV.The case of issuing benefits to the sick cholera and for the burial of the dead from cholera.Rescripts (2) of Emperor Nicholas I to Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky expressing gratitude to him and his assistants for the efforts to stop cholera in Moscow
Zakrevsky Arseny Andreevich, Count (1783-1865).
Rescripts (2) of Emperor Nicholas I to Moscow Governor-General Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky expressing gratitude to him and his assistants for the efforts to stop cholera in Moscow.Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. The case of awarding some officials of the Moscow educational district, for special works on measures to stop cholera
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The case of awarding some officials of the Moscow academic district, for special works on measures to stop cholera. 1850. - Ryazan Province
The word at the thanksgiving prayer for the cessation of cholera in the city of Ryazan, uttered on October 3, 1848 in the Ryazan Cathedral, the Eminence Gabriel, the Archbishop of Ryazan and Zaraisk
Gabriel (Gorodkov, Yegor Ivanovich, 1785-1862). The word at the thanksgiving prayer for the cessation of cholera in the city of Ryazan, uttered on October 3, 1848 in the Ryazan Cathedral, the Eminence Gabriel, Archbishop of Ryazan and Zaraisk. Ryazan: The lip. type., 1848.Meeting Proceedings GGdoctors and representatives of zemstvo province of Ryazan 7-9 April 1905 cholera
Ryazan provincial meeting of doctors and representatives of Zemstvos (1905).Meeting Proceedings GGdoctors and representatives zemstvos Ryazan Province on 7-9 April 1905 on the fight against cholera.Ryazan: Type.NVLyubomudrova 1905.Meeting Proceedings GGdoctors and representatives of zemstvo province of Ryazan 10-12 February 1911 to combat cholera
Ryazan provincial meeting of doctors and representatives zemstvos cholera (1911).Meeting Proceedings GGdoctors and representatives of zemstvo province of Ryazan 10-12 February 1911 to combat cholera.Ryazan: Type.NV Lyubomudrova 1911.Code of Resolutions of the Choler Meeting of Liberty Representatives of the Ryazan Province and Zemstvo doctors February 10-12, 1911
Ryazan provincial meeting of doctors and representatives of the Goleruse Sprove (1911).Conducts of the decisions of the cholera meeting of representatives of the Lands of Ryazan province and Zemstvo doctors on February 10-12, 1911.Ryazan: Type.N. V. Lyubomudrov, 1911.Report of the Ryazan Provincial Zemstvo Board ... Provincial Zemstvo Assembly .... ... XXXIV extraordinary. May, 1905. On the organization of the fight against the expected epidemic of cholera in 1905
Рязанская губернская земская управа. Доклад Рязанской губернской земской управы ... Губернскому земскому собранию ...Рязань: Тип. насл. З. П. Позняковой, 1866-1917.
... 34 чрезвычайному ...: Об организации борьбы с ожидаемой в 1905 г. эпидемией холеры. 1905. - Smolensk Province
Cholera epidemics in the Smolensk province of 1831-1872.
Zhbankov, Dmitry Nikolayevich (1853-1932). Cholera epidemics in the Smolensk province 1831-1872 gg.Smolensk: type. F.V. Zeldovich, 1893. - Tambov Province
Herald of Europe. G. 10 1875, v. 5, book. 9, September
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918. Film G. 10 1875, v. 5, book. 9, September. 1875.The case of the declaration of thanks on behalf of Nicholas I, the mayor of the town of Morshansk Tambov Province and honorary superintendent of the local district school Baron AF Fitingof for a successful fight against cholera
Public Education Department of the Ministry of Education.The case of the declaration of thanks on behalf of Nicholas I, the mayor of the town of Morshansk Tambov Province and honorary superintendent of the local district school Baron AF Fitingof for a successful fight against cholera. - Tver Province
The case on the report of the Tver civilian governor, about the events in the city of Tver between the ordinary people, riots from unjustified, on the occasion of the appearance of the disease of cholera, of the explanations, and about the teachers of the Tver grammar school named Budrevich,
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The case on the report of the Tver civilian governor, about the events in the city of Tver between ordinary people from riots, on the occasion of the appearance of the disease of cholera, the explanations, and about the teachers of the Tver gymnasium Budrevich and the chancellor of Chechot, who were involved in this matter.Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917). Fund Department of Public Education. The case of the arrest of the teacher of the Tver gymnasium VA. Budrevich on suspicion of poisoning water in wells and rivers for the spread of cholera
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The case of the arrest of the teacher of the Tver gymnasium VA. Budrevich on suspicion of poisoning the water in the wells and rivers for the spread of cholera. 1831-1842.The case of the Rzhev town governor Zakrevsky, who left the city entrusted to him during the illness of cholera
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The case of the Rzhev town governor Zakrevsky, who left the city entrusted to him during the illness of cholera. - Tula Province
The case against the Tula military governor, the incidents that occurred in the city of Tula and the Efremov district in the village of Latoshke, on the occasion of the appearance of cholera in those places, about the act of ensign Veltishchev and about the retired collegiate secretary Babkin
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The case against the Tula military governor, about the incidents that occurred in the town of Tula and the Efremov district in the village of Latoshke, on the occasion of the appearance of cholera in those places, about the act of ensign Veltishchev and about the retired collegiate secretary Babkin.A report of the trustee of the Moscow school district to terminate employment in the Tula school in connection with the cholera epidemic
Public Education Department of the Ministry of Education.A report of the trustee of the Moscow school district to terminate employment in the Tula school in connection with the cholera epidemic.
Cholera in Tambov in 1830: Eyewitness Account / Ivan Yakunin (scans 210-229)