On awarding some health officials Caucasus and the Transcaucasian region, be particularly opposed to halt cholera disease
Caucasian Committee.On awarding some health officials Caucasus and the Transcaucasian region, had little difference to stop the cholera disease.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archives" (RSHA)
The case of the delivery of information about the quantity and distribution of doctors produced by medical educational institutions, in connection with the petition of the commander in chief of the Caucasian Corps to appoint doctors to combat the emerging cholera
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education.The case of delivering information about the quantity and distribution of doctors produced by medical educational institutions, in connection with the petition of the Commander -in -Chief of the Caucasian Corps on the appointment of doctors to the Caucasus to combat the emerging cholera.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
Письмо Петра Кононовича Менькова к князю Виктору Илларионовичу Васильчикову об описании в "Русском инвалиде" обеда, данного в честь В. И. Васильчикова в Севастополе, о холере и об общих друзьях и знакомых
14 марта 1871 г.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
On recognition of the Dagestan region and the provinces of Baku, Erivan Yelizavetpol and threatened by cholera
The Council of Ministers (1905-1917).On recognition of the Dagestan region and the provinces of Baku, Erivan Yelizavetpol and threatened by cholera.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archives" (RSHA)
- Stavropol Province
About appeared in the Kizlyar district of the Stavropol province cholera disease
Caucasian Committee.About appeared in the Kizlyar district of the Stavropol province cholera disease.