General section
General section
Russian wealth.1893, № 9
Russian wealth.St. Petersburg, 1879-1918.1893, № 9. 1893.
RGPU them.A. I. Herzen
M. E. Saltykov, his life and literary activities
Krivenko, Sergey Nikolaevich (publicist population; 1847-1906).M. E. Saltykov, his life and literary activities.S.-Petersburg: Typography of the Highest approved partnership "Public Use", 1896.
M.E. Saltykov
Pypin, Alexander Nikolayevich (1833-1904). M.E. Saltykov. St. Petersburg: type. M.M. Stasyulevich, 1899.
Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov in Ryazan
Drizen, Nikolai Vasilyevich (1868-1935). Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov in Ryazan. S.-Petersburg: printing house of AS Suvorin, 1900.
Development of state forms
Kautsky, Karl (1854-1938).Development of state forms.Rostov on Don: N. Paramonov publishing house "Donskoy speech", 1905.
Donskaya GPB
V. I. Semevsky. Serfdom and Peasant Reforms in Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's Works. P. 37-102 [scans 113-214].
About writers
Moshin, Alexey. About writers. St. Petersburg: Izd. book. shop "Help", 1905.
Самарская ОУНБ
About Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. P. 17-18 [scans 21-22].
Serfdom and peasant reform in the works of ME Saltykov
Semevsky, Vasily Ivanovich (1848-1916).
Serfdom and peasant reform in the works of ME Saltykov.
Rostov-na-Donu: "Don's speech" N. Paramonova, cens. 1905.
Rostov-na-Donu: "Don's speech" N. Paramonova, cens. 1905.
Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive. The Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich Foundation (1877-1931). Article С.А. Zolotarev "The Great Diviner of the Russian Land" about the writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin
Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive.
Shchegolev, Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931). Article С.А. Zolotarev "The Great Diviner of the Russian Land" about the writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. [19 ..].
Shchegolev, Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931). Article С.А. Zolotarev "The Great Diviner of the Russian Land" about the writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. [19 ..].
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Intimate Shchedrin
Shchedrin, Konstantin Mikhailovich (1872-1932). Intimate Shchedrin. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1923; Petrograd.
Пензенская ОБ
Zaslavsky, David Iosifovich (1880-1956).Saltykov-Shchedrin.Moscow: Fiction, 1939.
Sverdlovsk region.Library for children and junior
Grigory Yeliseyev. Nekrasov and Saltykov. (From the Posthumous Papers of Grigory Yeliseyev). Pages 47-69 [scans 55-77]