The case on the appointment of the dean of the verbal faculty of Moscow University of Professor S. M. Solovyov and Professor F. I. Buslaev teachers of the heir to the throne, about the substitution of Solovyov professor A. I. Menshikov, on the transfer of Adjunct N. A. Popov from Kazan University in Moscow and aboutAppointment of teacher 3rd Moscow Gymnasium D. I. Ilovaysky Adjunct of the same University
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case on the appointment of the dean of the verbal faculty of Moscow University of Professor S. M. Solovyov and Professor F. I. Buslaev teachers of the heir to the throne, about the substitution of Solovyov professor A. I. Menshikov, on the transfer of Adjunct N. A. Popov from Kazan University in Moscow and aboutThe appointment of the teacher of the 3rd Moscow Gymnasium D. I. Ilovaysky Adjunct of the same university.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
The case on the appointment of professors of Moscow University of S. M. Soloviev, B. N. Chicherina and I. K. Babst teachers of the heir to the throne and about the extradition of remuneration Professor A. I. Menchikov for replacing the Dean of the Historical and Philological Faculty of Solovyov
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case on the appointment of professors of Moscow University S. M. Solovyeva, B. N. Chicherina and I. K. Brassta teachers of the heir to the throne and about the extradition of the remuneration of Professor A. I. Menchikov for replacing the Dean of the Historical and Philological Faculty of Solovyov.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
The case of the approval of the ordinary professor of Moscow University of Solovyova Dean of the historical and philological faculty of this university
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the approval of the ordinary professor of Moscow University of Solovyov Dean of the historical and philological faculty of this university.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
The case of the dean of the Dean of Moscow University is a valid Stat adviser Solovyov during the absence or disease of the rector correct the position of the latter
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the dean of the Department of Moscow University is a real Stat adviser to Solovyov during the absence or disease of the rector correct the position of the latter.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
The case of the invitation from the highest permission of the Moscow University professor of the actual state councilor Solovyov for teaching the tsar to the heir of the tsesarevich of history
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
The case of the invitation from the highest permission of the Moscow University professor of the State Councilor Solovyov for teaching the tsar to the heir of the tsesarevich of history.
The case of the invitation from the highest permission of the Moscow University professor of the State Councilor Solovyov for teaching the tsar to the heir of the tsesarevich of history.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The case of bringing to Moscow University information regarding the leave of the ordinary professor of this university Solovyov abroad
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
The case of the delivery to Moscow University of information regarding the leave of the ordinary professor of this university Solovyov abroad.
The case of the delivery to Moscow University of information regarding the leave of the ordinary professor of this university Solovyov abroad.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The case of bringing to the 4th branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Information Office, is there any obstacle to the definition of Professor Solovyov of Moscow University as an inspector of the classes of the Moscow Nikolaev Orphan Institute
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
The case of bringing to the 4th branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Information Office whether there are any obstacles to the definition of Professor Solovyov of Moscow University as an inspector of the classes of the Moscow Nikolaev orphan institute.
The case of bringing to the 4th branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Information Office whether there are any obstacles to the definition of Professor Solovyov of Moscow University as an inspector of the classes of the Moscow Nikolaev orphan institute.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The case of the definition of Professor of Moscow University Solovyov, in excess of this position, the director of the Moscow Arms Chamber
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
The case of the definition of professor of Moscow University Solovyov, in excess of this post, the director of the Moscow Armory Chamber.
The case of the definition of professor of Moscow University Solovyov, in excess of this post, the director of the Moscow Armory Chamber.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The case of leaving in the service of the honored professor of the Moscow University Barshev and the approval of the rector of this university, Professor Solovyov
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
The case of the retirement of the honored professor of Moscow University Barshev and the approval of the rector of the university, Professor Solovyov.
The case of the retirement of the honored professor of Moscow University Barshev and the approval of the rector of the university, Professor Solovyov.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Regulations on Higher Women's Courses in Moscow and speeches delivered at the opening of the courses on November 1, 1872 by professors of the Moscow University of St. AM Ivantsov-Platonov, SM Soloviev and VI Gerie
Moscow Higher Women's Courses
Regulations on Higher Women's Courses in Moscow and speeches delivered at the opening of the courses on November 1, 1872 by professors of the Moscow University of St. AM Ivantsov-Platonov, SM Solovyov and VI Ger'e.
Moscow: In the University. type., 1872.
Moscow: In the University. type., 1872.