Personality of Emperor Nicholas I and his era
Yankovsky, Dmitry Porfirievich (1862-).
Personality of the Emperor Nicholas I and his era.
Warsaw: the type. L. Schiller and son, 1900.
Warsaw: the type. L. Schiller and son, 1900.
Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich
Yarosh, Cyprian Nikolaevich (1854-). Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich. Kharkov: printing house of the Provincial Government, 1890.
- Coronation
The ceremonial of the sacred coronation of the sovereign of the emperor Nikolai Pavlovich
The ceremony of the sacred coronation of the sovereign of the emperor Nikolai Pavlovich.St. Petersburg., 1826.Ode to the most joyful day of the most sacred wedding and chrismation of His Imperial Majesty, the Most Gracious Sovereign Emperor Nicholas I
Merzlyakov, Alexey Fedorovich (1778-1830). Ode to the most joyful day of the most sacred wedding and chrismation of His Imperial Majesty, the Most Gracious Sovereign Emperor Nicholas I. Moscow: At the University Press, 1826.The word at the celebration of the wedding ceremony for the kingdom and the holy chrismation of the pious emperor Nikolai Pavlovich and the pious empress Alexandra Feodorovna, said in the Novgorod Cathedral of St. Sophia, Moses, the bishop of Starorussia
Moses, bishop (Bogdanov-Platonov-Antipov, Matvei Mikhailovich, 1783-1834). The word at the celebration of the wedding ceremony for the kingdom and the holy chrismation of the pious emperor Nicholas Pavlovich and the pious empress Alexandra Feodorovna, said in the Novgorod Cathedral of St. Sophia, Moses, the bishop of Starorussia and the vicar of the Novgorod metropolia, August 28, 1826.
Sankt-Petersburg: In the type. Honey. dep. M-va int. affairs, 1826.Vues des cérémonies les plus intéressantes du Couronnement de Leurs Majéstes Impériales L'Empereur Nicolas I et L'Impératrice Alexandra, a Moscou
Graf, Henry. Vues des cérémonies les plus intéressantes du Couronnement de Leurs Majéstes Impériales L'Empereur Nicolas I et L'Impératrice Alexandra, a Moscou. Paris: Imprimerie de Firmin Didot, 1828.Tobolsk in the days of the accession of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich
Kuznetsov, Evgeny Vasilyevich (1848-1900). Tobolsk in the days of the accession of the Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich. [Tobolsk]: B. and., [1896].- Decembrists in the History of Russia
The year of 2015 marks the 190th anniversary of the Decembrist revolt on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg. In memory of the event the Presidential Library has prepared a thematic collection "Decembrists in Russia's history".
- Legislative activity
The letter of honor in the erection of the noble dignity of the outward counselor Roman Tal
Russia. The Emperor (1825-1855; Nicholas I). An award in the erection of the noble dignity of the outward counselor Roman Tal. St. Petersburg, May 1, 1842.Emperor Nicholas I and Speransky
Filippov, Alexander Nikitich (1853-1927). Emperor Nicholas I and Speransky. Film Yuryev: Type. K. Matisen, [1897]. - Russian army
Essay on the activities of the Grand Duke and Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich as the head of the military engineering unit. T. 1. Engineering Organization and Technology
Essay on the activities of the Grand Duke and Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich as the head of the military engineering unit. Engineering organization and technology. Film of 1912. - Foreign policy
Emperor Nicholas I
Kozlov, Ivan Ivanovich (writer, 19th century). Emperor Nicholas I. St. Petersburg: published V. Berezovsky, qualification. 1904.Emperor Nicholas and King Frederick William IV in 1840.
Mirkovich, Fedor Yakovlevich (1789-1866). Emperor Nicholas and King Frederick William IV in 1840 S.-Petersburg: printing house of V.S. Balashev, 1886.Emperor Nicholas and foreign courts
Tatishchev, Sergei Spiridonovich (1846-1906). Emperor Nicholas and foreign courts. St. Petersburg: The printing house of I. N. Skorokhodov, 1889.- Crimean War
The foreign policy of Emperor Nicholas I
Tatishchev, Sergei Spiridonovich (1846-1906). Foreign policy of Emperor Nicholas I.
St. Petersburg: type. I.N. Skorokhodova, 1887.Relations of the Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich to Sevastopol
Nicholas I (Emperor of Russia, 1796-1855). Relations of the Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich to Sevastopol. [St. Petersburg, 1873].The Eastern Question in the Policy of Nicholas I
Vyskochkov, Leonid Vladimirovich (Doctor of Historical Sciences, 1947-). The Eastern Question in the Policy of Nicholas I. St. Petersburg: The Presidential Library, 2015.160 years of Sinope battle
Vyskochkov, Leonid Vladimirovich (Doctor of Historical Sciences, 1947-). 160 years of the Battle of Sinop. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2013
- Education, science and culture during the reign of Nicholas I
Art and Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich
Wrangel, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1880-1915). Art and Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich. Petrograd: edition of the monthly "Old Years", 1915.Kiev and the University of St. Vladimir under the Emperor Nicholas I
Kiev and the University of St. Vladimir under the Emperor Nicholas I. Kiev: publication of the University of St. Vladimir, 1896.