Basic documents of the XVIII-XX centuries
Basic documents of the XVIII-XX centuries
Regulations of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg
Regulations of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg: Printed at the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 25 Sept. 1747.
Notes by A. S. Shishkov to compile the Charter of the Academy of Sciences (about the choice of honorary members, presidential rights, academic printing house)
Shishkov Alexander Semenovich (1754-1841), Minister of Folk Enlightenment, President of the Academy of Sciences, Writer.Notes by A. S. Shishkov to compile the Charter of the Academy of Sciences (about the choice of honorary members, presidential rights, academic printing house).
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
Regulations of the Imperial Academy of Sciences
Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). Regulations of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. In St. Petersburg: under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1803.
The case on the highest command, on the compilation of a special committee to consider the draft of the new Charter and the state of the Russian Academy, on bringing them to the highest approval and on vacation for the content of the Academy annually by 60,000 rubles and to establish a typography, at a time - 30000 rubles
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case on the highest command, about the compilation of a special committee to consider the draft of the new Charter and the state of the Russian Academy, on bringing them to the highest approval and on vacation for the content of the Academy annually by 60,000 rubles and to establish a printing house, a one-time - 30000 rubles.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
The case of approving the project of the new state of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and additional points to its regulations
Department of State Save of the State Council.The case of approving the draft new state of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and additional points to its regulations.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
The case of the change in the statute of the Academy of Sciences content of the 7th chapter on third-party members of the Academy of Sciences
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of a change in the statute of the Academy of Sciences content of the 7th chapter on third-party members of the Academy of Sciences.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
Case about changing paragraph 98 Charter of the Academy of Sciences
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Case about changing paragraph 98 Charter of the Academy of Sciences.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
Herald of Europe. G. 17 1882, [v. 2], book. 4, April
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 17 1882, [Vol. 2], book. 4, April. 1882.
G. 17 1882, [Vol. 2], book. 4, April. 1882.
On approval of the project of the new general state of the Academy of Sciences and the Regulation on the printing house of the Academy of Sciences
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).On approval of the project of the new general state of the Academy of Sciences and the Regulation on the printing house of the Academy of Sciences.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
The case on the draft law of the Ministry of National Education, which was submitted to the State Duma of the third convocation, on the establishment of the new state of the Academy of Sciences and the Regulations on the Typography of the Academy
State Duma I, II, III and IV conveners.The case on the draft law of the Ministry of People's Enlightenment, submitted to the State Duma of the third convocation, on the establishment of the new state of the Academy of Sciences and the Regulations on the Typography of the Academy.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
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