Note by M.M. Speransky on the need to change the order of production in the ranks (establishing a connection of a certain rank with an educational qualification for raising awareness). 1808
The form of the announcement of production in the ranks for the examination (rough draft MM Speransky). b / d
Not dated. 2 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 2. D. 3.
Papers relating to the production of officials of the II Branch of His Own Imperial Majesty's Chancellery, to pay money for the position of the Order, to identify their children in educational institutions and to issue money from the Treasury against mortgages
1827-1829. 21 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 101.
Two notes Balugyanskogo on the equation of the State II Division of His Own Imperial Majesty's Office on February 1 and 22, 1839
1839. 17 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 186.
The papers belonging to Speransky, Dashkov, Balugyansky, Odoyevsky and others
1826-1846. 65 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 89.
Service records, documents on personnel, correspondence on matters of the Service Charter, etc.
Journal of the Highest Committee Established to Establish Rules for Curbing the Nonsense and Weekly Requests
1826-1827. 56 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 82.
- Officials' works
The highest command, written by Speransky's hand, that the officers of the Second Section of His Majesty's Own Office do not publish or translate any works without the Highest Resolution
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). The highest command, written by Speransky's hand, that the officers of the Second Section of His Majesty's Own Office do not publish or translate any works without the Highest Resolution.
1826.1826. 1 page
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 78.Memorials about the work of officials of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for the part of the archive and library
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office on the part of the archive and library.
1826.1826. 4 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 79.Memorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1826 / rough and white together /
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Department of His Own Imperial Majesty's Office for 1826 / rough and white together.
1826.1826. 221 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch 1. D. 86.Memorials about the work of officials of the II Division of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1827 (draft and white together) [a)]
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Division of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1827 (rough and white together) [a)].
1827.1827. 172 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-a.Memorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1828 / rough and white together /
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1828 / rough and white together.
1828.1828. 192 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-b.Memorials about the work of officials of the II Division of His Own Imperial Majesty's Office for 1829 / draft and white together /
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Department of His Own Imperial Majesty's Office for 1829 / draft and white together.
1829.1829. 155 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-vMemorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1830 (judging by the drafts there are 11 missing memorials / [d)]
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials on the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1830 (judging by drafts, there are 11 memorials / [d)]. 1830.1829. 147 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-gMemorials about the work of officials of the II Division of His Own Imperial Majesty's Office for 1831 / draft and white together / [e)]
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Division of His Own Imperial Majesty's Office for 1831 / draft and white together / [e)]. 1831.1829. 182 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-dMemorials on the work of officials of the II Department of His Own Imperial Majesty's Chancellery for 1832 (judging by drafts there are 11 memorials missing [/ e)]
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Division of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1832 (judging by drafts, there are 11 memories / [e)]. 1832.1829. 148 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-yeMemorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1833 / drafts all, and finishing - since March 15 / [g)]
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1833 / rough all, and clean - starting from March 15 / [g)]. 1833.1829. 237 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-zhMemorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1834.
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancery for 1834.
1834.1829. 160 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-zMemorials on the work of officials of the II Department of His Own Imperial Majesty's Chancellery for 1835 / final / [i)]
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Department of His Own Imperial Majesty's Office for 1835 / final / [i)].
1835.1829. 210 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-iMemorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1836 (draft and white together) [to]
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Memorials about the work of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office for 1836 (rough and white together) [k]].
1836.1829. 563 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251 Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 86-kMemoria on the works of officials II branch of his own imperial majesty of the office.1840-1842
Memoria on the works of officials II branch of his own imperial majesty of the office.1840-1842 GG. 1840.1840-1842. 281 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 201.Reports on the classes of officials II branch of his own imperial majesty of the office.1845
Reports on the classes of officials II branch of his own imperial majesty of the office.1845.1845.1845. 12 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 208.Various papers of Balfiansky.1839-1847
Various papers of Balfiansky.1839-1847.1839.1839-1847. 34 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 196.Formular list about the service of the State Secretary, Senator, the secret adviser, the head of the II of its own imperial Majesty of the Office, M. Balfiansky.1846
Formular list about the service of the State Secretary, Senator, the secret adviser, the head of the II of its own imperial Majesty of the Office, M. Balfiansky.1846.1846.1846. 14 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 212. - Awards for officials
Reports on the rewards of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Reports on the awards of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office. 1827-1839.1827-1839. 239 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 100.Information on rewards and service of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office
Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839). Information about the awards and service of officials of the II Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office.
1827-1839.1827-1839. 49 page
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1. D. 99.Black Note Banjansky 1841-1843.On awarding officials of the II branch of the adecisional imperial majesty of the office.1841-1843
Black Note Banjansky 1841-1843.On awarding officials of the II branch of the adecisional imperial majesty of the office.1841-1843.1841.1841-1843. 61 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 1. Ch. 1.D. 205.
1808. 17 pages
Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1251. Op. 2. D. 2.