

List of the journal of meetings in the United States Departments of Laws and State Economy and the State Council on the resolution of questions concerning the difficulties in the case of the dismissal of serf people by the landlords

  Speransky, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772-1839).     List of the journal of meetings in the United States Departments of Laws and State Economy and the State Council on the resolution of questions concerning difficulties in the case of the dismissal of serf people by the landlords.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив

1828. 15 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 113.

A note related to the peasant issue, on Paper II of the Department of His Imperial Majesty of the Office, in three copies, under the title "On the perpetration of the authorities of the landowners in consideration of cases of crimes and misconducts of serfs, yard people and peasants owned."October 18, 1845

A note related to the peasant issue, on Paper II of the Department of His Imperial Majesty of the Office, in three copies, under the title "On the perpetration of the authorities of the landowners in consideration of cases of crimes and misconducts of serfs, yard people and peasants owned."October 18, 18451845.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)

1845. 43 p.
RGIA. F. 1251. Op. 1. P. 1. D. 210.