Visual Materials
Visual Materials
Moscow. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Stone Bridge
Moscow. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Stone Bridge.
[Moscow: Photoglob Zurich AG, 1890-1900].
[Moscow: Photoglob Zurich AG, 1890-1900].
Из частных собраний
Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow June 24, 1945 Soviet wars with German banners seized from German troops
Kislov, Fedor Ivanovich (1899-?). Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow June 24, 1945 Soviet wars with the banners seized from the German troops. June 24, 1945.
Военно-исторический Музей артиллерии, инженерных войск и войск связи МО РФ
Moscow history. XX century
Moscow history. XX century. Moscow: Center for Photography Lumiere Brothers, 2013
ООО "Центр Фотографии"