Methodological Materials
Methodological Materials
Socio-political work of pioneers
Alexandrov, and. Secular political work of pioneers.Moscow: Novaya Moscow, 1925.
Summer work of young pioneers in the city
Zorin, V. Fecal work of young pioneers in the city.Moscow: Young Guard, 1925;Leningrad.
Village pioneers: materials for children. holiday in the village on March 8, 1925.
Village pioneers: materials for children. holiday in the village on March 8, 1925, 1925.
Новосибирская ГОНБ
Ilichat: Materials for the Pioneer Living Newspaper: Staging / B. Yurtsev;Musical handler A. Shukhman
Ilichat: Materials for the Pioneer Living Newspaper: Staging / B. Yurtsev;Musical handler A. Shukhman.1925.
Свердловская обл. библиотека для детей и молодежи
Materials of the summer work of the pioneers
Materials of the summer work of pioneers. Vladimir: The State. a type. Kovrovsky Executive Committee, 1927.
Владимирская ОУНБ
Always ready - everything for Kuzbass
Always ready - everything for Kuzbass.Novosibirsk: Zapsiboteling, 1931.
GNB of Kuzbass named afterV.D. Fedorova
Program of 3 All-Union military-athletic competitions of pioneers and schoolchildren of 1941
All-Union military-athletic competitions of pioneers and schoolchildren (3, 1941). The program of 3 All-Union military-athletic competitions of pioneers and schoolchildren in 1941. Kuibyshev: Ed. Kuibysh. reg. ord. b. Education, 1941.
Самарская ОУНБ
Homemade equipment of sports grounds of pioneer camps
Abalakov, Vitaly Mikhailovich.Homemade equipment of sports grounds of pioneer camps.Moscow: State Publishing House "Physical Culture and Sport", 1945.