Support for the families of military personnel and civil servants in 1905–1914

Support for the families of military personnel and civil servants in 1905–1914

According to the draft laws of the IF on the appropriation of funds for the issuance of the individual corps of the Border Guardian Guardian of the MF of Apartment money during business trips and to transport the families of Central Asian Border Brigades in summer to areas with more favorable climatic conditions.September 31 - 24 November.

According to the draft laws of the IF on the appropriation of funds for the issuance of the individual corps of the Border Guardian Guardian of the MF of Apartment money during business trips and to transport the families of Central Asian Border Brigades in summer to areas with more favorable climatic conditions.September 31 - 24 November 1912
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On the issuance of employees of the Chinese Eastern Railway, drafted into the army, rations and apartment money on the basis of the law on June 25, 1912 on the prosecution of military lower ranks and their families

Council of Ministers (1905-1917).On the issuance of employees of the Chinese Eastern Railway, drafted into the army, rations and apartment money on the basis of the law on June 25, 1912 on the prosecution of military lower ranks and their families.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive"

On the appropriation of additional funds according to the estimate of the Ministry of the Naval Ministry for issuing pensions to suffers from accidents by civil servants, workers and their families

Council of Ministers (1905-1917).On the allocation of additional funds according to the estimate of the Ministry of the Naval Ministry for issuing pensions to suffers from accidents by civil servants, workers and their families.
On the appropriation of additional funds according to the estimate of the Ministry of the Naval Ministry for issuing pensions to suffers from accidents by civil servants, workers and their families
