Teacher education
Teacher education
Spiritual and moral education of the future teacher by means of local history
Bakhchieva, Olga Alexandrovna.Spiritual and moral education of the future teacher by means of local history.Moscow, 2015.
Preparing the future teacher for environmental and educational activities at school
Ibragimova, Taisa Vakhidovna.Preparing the future teacher for environmental and educational activities at school.Grozny, 2018.
Formation of the readiness of the teacher of the subject area "Art" to organize volunteer activities
Formation of the readiness of the teacher of the subject area "Art" to organize volunteer activities.2017.
Development of the content of domestic pedagogical education in the XX - early XXI century (based on the preparation of the teacher of the German language)
Development of the content of domestic pedagogical education in the XX - early XXI century (based on the preparation of the teacher of the German language). 2015.
Pedagogical conditions for the prevention of xenophobia in future teachers in the system of higher education
Pedagogical conditions for the prevention of xenophobia in future teachers in the system of higher education.2020.