Bolotov Andrey Timofeyevich (1738–1833)
Bolotov Andrey Timofeyevich (1738–1833)
The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov described by himself for his descendants, 1738-1793. T. 1, part 1-7. [1738-1760]
Bolotov, Andrei Timofeevich (1738-1833)
The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov described by him for his descendants, 1738-1793 [Text] / [preddisl. T. 1, part 1-7: [1738-1760].
St. Petersburg: Pechatnia V. Golovina, 1871-1873. 1871.
St. Petersburg: Pechatnia V. Golovina, 1871-1873. 1871.
The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov, described by him for his descendants.1738-1793.T. 2
Bolotov.Andrew.The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov, described by him for his descendants.1738-1793.T. 2. 1871.
The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov described by himself for his descendants, 1738-1793. T. 3, part 15-21. [1771-1784]
Bolotov, Andrei Timofeevich (1738-1833)
The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov described by him himself for his descendants, 1738-1793 [Text] / [preddisl .. T. 3, part 15-21: [1771-1784].
St. Petersburg: Pechatnia V. Golovina, 1871-1873. 1872.
St. Petersburg: Pechatnia V. Golovina, 1871-1873. 1872.
The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotova described by them for their descendants, 1738-1793.T. 4. (last).Part 22-29.
Bolotov.Andrei Timofeevich.1738-1833.The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotova described by them for their descendants, 1738-1793.St. Petersburg: St. Male Peace, 1871-1873.T. 4. (last).Part 22-29.1873.
Philosophical-anthropological dominants in the philosophy of the Russian educator A.T. Bolotova
Philosophical-anthropological dominants in the philosophy of the Russian educator A.T. Bolotov. 2008.
A.T. Bolotov and philosophy of education in Russia: the second half of the XVIII - early XIX century.
Penkova, Elena Alexandrovna. A.T. Bolotov and the philosophy of enlightenment in Russia: the second half of the XVIII - the beginning of XIX century. Ekaterinburg, 2015.
Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov as an educator-educator
Shamedko, Nadezhda Vladimirovna. Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov as an educator-educator. Kaliningrad, 2009.