Butlerov Alexander Mikhailovich (1828–1886)
Butlerov Alexander Mikhailovich (1828–1886)
- Life and activity
Proceedings of a free economic society.1886. T. 2. No. 8. August
Proceedings of a free economic society.1886. T. 2. No. 8. August.1886.Nature.G. 17. 1928. No. 12
Nature.G. 17. 1928. No. 12. Leningrad: Publishing House Acad.sciences of the USSR.Commission.on the study of natural.production.The forces of the Union (Keps), 1928.A.M. Butlerov and his significance in modern chemistry / N.A. Orlov pp. 1027-1028 (scans 4-9)
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the approval of the candidate of Kazan University of A.M.Butlerova to the degree of chemistry master and as an adjunct of Kazan Unison
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the approval of the candidate of Kazan University of A.M.Butlerova to the degree of chemistry master and as an adjunct of Kazan University.1851.The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Chufli Beletsky (formerly Yassky) district of Bessarabia gubernia
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of National Education (1803-1917).
Russia. Ministry of Education. Department of Public Education. The case of the mission of the professors of the Kazan University A.M. Butlerova, N.N. Bulich and E.A. Eversman abroad for a scientific purpose. 1856.Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.Report of the acting rector of the University of Kazan AMButlerova who performs the position of the custodian of Kazan Tutorial
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.Report of the acting rector of the University of Kazan AMButlerova who acting the position of the Kazansky Curriculum, the State of the University of the University of 1859-1860.1860.Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the community of Professor of Kazan University A.M.Butlerov abroad with a scientific goal, about the dismissal of the rector of Kazan
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of the community of Professor of Kazan University A.M.Butlerova abroad with a scientific goal, about the dismissal of the rector of Kazan University OMKovalevsky, on appointment in his place A.M.Butlerova and his dismissal.1860-1862.Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case on the statement of A.M.Butlerova Rector of Kazan University
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case on the statement of A.M.Butlerova Rector of Kazan University.1862.The case of the professor of Kazan University Butlerov in the time of the time at the University as a teacher
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the test of a professor at Kazan University Butlerov in the time of the time at the university by the teacher.The case of a subscription to the construction of a monument to academician A.M.Butlerov
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of a subscription to the construction of a monument to academician A.M.Butlerov.The case on the issue of opening a subscription for the device in the city of Kazan Monument to academician A.M.Butlerov
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case on the issue of opening a subscription for the device in the city of Kazan Monument to academician A.M.Butlerov. - Works
Historical outline of the development of chemistry in the last 40 years
Butlerov, A.M. Historical outline of the development of chemistry in the last 40 years.[St. Petersburg]: Rus.Litogr.V. Kurochkina, [1880]. - Memory
GA_RFKazan. Monument to A. Butlerov. Sculptor Yu. Orekhov. Architects V. Petersburgers, V. Stepanov
Kazan. Monument to A. Butlerov. Sculptor Yu. Orekhov. Architects V. Petersburgers, V. Stepanov.
A. M. Butlerov. Obituary (scans 3-5)