Voronikhin Andrey Nikiforovich (1759-1814)
Voronikhin Andrey Nikiforovich (1759-1814)
- Biographical materials
Russian nuggets in biographies and images. Issue. 6. Builders and draftsmen: Voronikhin, Solntsev, Seryakov
Russian nuggets in biographies and images. Issue. 6: Builders and draftsmen Voronikhin, Solntsev, Seryakov.
St. Petersburg: the publication of the School Council at the Holy Synod, 1910. 1910.Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case on the introduction of a resolution on the prohibition of architectic school in the Kremlin expedition to approve students in the Rights
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case on the introduction of a decision on the prohibition of architectic school in the Kremlin expedition to argue students in the rights of the architect and on the provision of these rights predominantly academy.Mention of order A.N.Voronikhin compile the rules for separating architects into classes depending on their knowledge.1812.Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of issuing widow A.N.Voronikhina benefits for paying debts.Immediately about providing her state apartments for 6 years
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Russia.Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.Department of Folk Enlightenment.The case of issuing widow A.N.Voronikhina benefits for paying debts.Immediately about the provision of provisional apartment for 6 years.1815-1816.Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin. 1759-1814
Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin. 1759-1814. - Works
Drawings А.N. Voronikhin
Voronikhin, Andrei Nikiforovich (1759-1814). Drawings А.N. Voronikhin. Moscow: Izd-vo All-Union. acad. Architecture, 1938.- Mining Institute
Mountain Institute.1909
Mountain Institute.1909.1957.St. Petersburg. Mining Institute of the Empress Catherine. No. 120 = St.Peterbourg. Institut des Mines. № 120: [postcard]
St. Petersburg. Mining Institute of the Empress Catherine. No. 120 = St.Peterbourg. Institut des Mines. № 120: [postcard].until 1918
St. Petersburg - St.Petersbourg No. 56. Mountain Institute
St. Petersburg - St.Petersbourg No. 56. Mountain Institute.until 1918
Leningrad. Detail of the building of the Mining Institute (post-graduate architect Voronikhin). The group portrays Pluto, who is abducting Proserpine
Leningrad. Detail of the building of the Mining Institute (post-graduate architect Voronikhin). The group portrays Pluto, who is abducting Proserpine.end of the 1920-s – beginning of the 1930-s
- Gatchina
General Plan, facades, floor plans of the Gatchina Educational House.Architect A.N.Voronichin.Estimation for the construction of an extension.Architect A.N.Voronikhin
His own imperial majesty Office for the institutions of Empress Mary.General Plan, facades, floor plans of the Gatchina Educational House.Architect A.N.Voronichin.Estimation for the construction of an extension.Architect A.N.Voronichin.1808
- Pavlovsk and Petrodvorets
Pavlovsk park. Interior view of the hall at the Rose Pavilion (1814). Architect A. Voronikhin
Pavlovsk park. Interior view of the hall at the Rose Pavilion (1814). Architect A. Voronikhin.1920-s
Petrodvorets.View of Fountain Samson and Pavilion Voronikhina
Petrodvorets.View of Samson Fountain and Voronikhina Pavilion.1953.1953
- Fountains
The album "Strada Pietroburgo - Zar. Selo", ("Road Petersburg - Tsarskoye Selo"). Photographs of various architectural structures, fountains of T. de Thomon (1760-1813), A. N. Voronikhin (1759-1814), and their measurements performed by A. Ya. Beloborodov
Beloborodov A.Ya.
Album "Strada Pietroburgo - Zar. Selo", ("The Road Petersburg - Tsarskoe Selo"). Photographs of various architectural structures, fountains by T. de Thomon (1760-1813), A. N. Voronikhin (1759-1814), and their measurements performed by A. Ya. Beloborodov.1913
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахProspective Tsarskoye Selo road. Illustrations to the manuscript by A. Ya. Beloborodov (photos, drawings and drawings)
Beloborodov A.Ya.
The Perspective Tsarskoye Selo Road. Illustrations to the manuscript A.Ya. Beloborodov (photos, drawings and drawings).1913
The Tsarskoye Selo road: the fountains of T. de Tomon (1760-1813) and A.N. Voronikhin (1759-1814). Photos, drawings and measurements made by A.Ya. Beloborodovym.
The Tsarskoye Selo road: the fountains of T. de Tomon (1760-1813) and A.N. Voronikhin (1759-1814). Photos, drawings and measurements made by A.Ya. Beloborodov.1913–1915
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Kazan Cathedral
Leningrad - Leningrad. The Kazan Cathedral (architect A. Voronikhin in 1800-1811) from the side of the Griboedov Canal
Leningrad - Leningrad. Kazan Cathedral (page architect A. Voronikhin in 1800-1811 gg.) From the side of the Griboedov Canal.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахLeningrad - Leningrad. Kazan Cathedral (post by architect Voronikhin)
Leningrad - Leningrad. Kazan Cathedral (post by architect Voronikhin). 1929.1929
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахLeningrad, Museum of the History of Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR / Fot. Bamuner and Haikina
Leningrad, Museum of the History of Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR / Fot. Bamuner and Haikin.between 1931 and 1936
Leningrad.Museum of History of the Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral, 1801-1811).Arch.A. N. Voronikhin
Leningrad.Museum of History of the Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral, 1801-1811).Arch.A. N. Voronikhin.1951
Leningrad.Museum of History of the Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Leningrad.Museum of History of Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.1954.1954
Leningrad.Museum of History of the Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral)
Leningrad.Museum of History of the Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).1955.1955
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral)
Leningrad.Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).1955.1955
Leningrad.Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral)
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).1956
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral)
Leningrad.Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).1957.1957
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахLeningrad.Kazan Cathedral, now - Museum of History of Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Leningrad.Kazan Cathedral, now - Museum of the History of the Religion of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.1959.1959
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).Arch.A. Voronikhin
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).Arch.A. Voronikhin.1960
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral)
Leningrad.Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).1960.1961
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral)
Leningrad.Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).1961.1961
Leningrad.Colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral.Arch.A. Voronikhin
Leningrad.Colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral.Arch.A. Voronikhin.1961.1961
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахLeningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).Arch.A. Voronikhin
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (b. Kazan Cathedral).Arch.A. Voronikhin.1962
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.(Kazan Cathedral)
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.(Kazan Cathedral).1963.1963
Leningrad.Kazan Cathedral.Museum of the history of religion and atheism.Architect A. Voronikhin
Leningrad.Kazan Cathedral.Museum of the history of religion and atheism.Architect A. Voronikhin.1968
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Kazan Cathedral. 1801-1811).Architect A. Voronikhin
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Kazan Cathedral. 1801-1811).Architect A. Voronikhin.1971
Leningrad.Kazan Cathedral.Museum of History of Religion and Atheism
Leningrad.Kazan Cathedral.Museum of the history of religion and atheism.1981.1981
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism (building of the former Kazan Cathedral)
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism (building of the former Kazan Cathedral).1981.1981
Leningrad.Nevsky Prospect.Kazan Cathedral (now the Museum of History of Religion and Atheism).1801-1811
Leningrad.Nevsky Prospect.Kazan Cathedral (now the Museum of History of Religion and Atheism).1801-1811.1984.1984
Leningrad.Kazan Cathedral (now the Museum of History of Religion and Atheism).1801-1811
Leningrad.Kazan Cathedral (now the Museum of History of Religion and Atheism).1801-1811.1985.1985
Leningrad.Kazan Cathedral (now the Museum of History of Religion and Atheism).1801-1811
Leningrad.Kazan Cathedral (now the Museum of History of Religion and Atheism).1801-1811.1988.1988
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism (Kazan Cathedral).1801-1811
Leningrad.Museum of the history of religion and atheism (Kazan Cathedral).1801-1811.1988.1988
Museum of History of Religion and Atheism: [Card Set]
Museum of the history of religion and atheism: [Set of cards].1988.1988
Kazan Cathedral (1811, architect A. N. Voronikhin)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). Kazan Cathedral (1811, architect A. N. Voronikhin). St. Petersburg, July 2012.2012