Economics. Economic geography
Economics. Economic geography
- Statistical information on the economy
Overview of the national economy of the Tambov province October 1921 - October 1922
Tambov lips.Executive Committee of the Soviets.Overview of the national economy of the Tambov province October 1921 - October 1922 Magnov: [Tambov.Gubspolk], 1922. - Agriculture
Agricultural organization of the Tambov province zemstvo
Sokovnin, Pavel Nikolaevich. The agricultural organization of the Tambov provincial zemstvo. St. Petersburg: Type. V. Demakova, 1895.Agricultural collection of Tambov province. Issue. 1. The harvest of 1896
Agricultural collection of Tambov province. Tambov: Tambov. lips. Zemstvo, 1897-1898.
Issue. 1: The harvest of 1896. 1897.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахReport on the experimental field of the Tambov Uyezd Zemstvo
Druzhkin, F.I. Report on the experimental field of the Tambov Uyezd Zemstvo. Tambov: The lip. Zemsky type., 1898.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe harvest of the main bread ... on the lands of the peasant societies of the Tambov province.In 1899.In 1899.
The harvest of the main bread ... on the lands of the peasant societies of the Tambov province.Tambov: B. and., 1899.In 1899: in 1899.1899.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахSatellite Tambovsky Plowman
Satellite Tambovsky Plowman. Tambov: Gos. publishing house. Tambov. Otd-e, 1921.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахEssay on the Agriculture of Tambov Gubernia
Weber, Karl Karlovich (1855-1911). Essay on the agriculture of the Tambov province. Tambov: Ed. Ed. "The Sower" Всеработземлес, 1922.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахMnogopolye on the chernozem of Tambov province
Rolofs, E.A.Mnogopolye on chernozem of Tambov province. Tambov: Type. "Proletarian light", 1925.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Trading
The trade and industrial village as a socio-economic phenomenon in the Russian Empire (based on the materials of the Tambov province)
The trade and industrial village as a socio-economic phenomenon in the Russian Empire (based on the materials of the Tambov province).2021.[Supplement to the Charter of the Tambov Bread Exchange
[Supplement to the Charter of the Tambov Bread Exchange.[Tambov]: B. and., [1904].Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахInstructions for the Arbitration Commission at the Tambov Stock Exchange
Instructions for the Arbitration Commission at the Tambov Stock Exchange. Tambov: Tipo-lit. N. Berdonosova and F. Prigorina, 1905.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах[Rules for the quotation commission of the Tambov Bread Exchange
Tambov Bread Exchange. Exchange office. [Rules for the quotation commission of the Tambov Bread Exchange. [Tambov, 1906].Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Transport and communication routes
Description of postal and transport roads and on them road structures consisting on the provincial land service.... on the Tambov district.... on the Tambov district
Description of postal and transport roads and on them road structures consisting on the provincial land service.... on the Tambov district: ... in the Tambov district.1867.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe case on the proposal of the Tambov civil governor about the correction and construction of bridges in the Tambov province again
Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case on the proposal of the Tambov civil governor about the correction and construction of the bridges in the Tambov province again.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах- Railway transport
Journals of the Saratov Gubernia Zemstvo Assembly .... an emergency ... on August 5, 6 and 7, 1868, and the Highly approved concession on October 17, 1868 on the railway line from Tambov to the city of Saratov
Saratov Gubernia Zemstvo Assembly Journals of the Saratov Gubernia Zemstvo Assembly .... an emergency ... on August 5, 6 and 7, 1868, and the Highly approved concession on October 17, 1868 on the railway line from Tambov to the city of Saratov.
Saratov, 1867-1917.1869 .The index of the shortest routes between the cities of Tambov Gubernia for the calculation of running money
The index of the shortest routes between the cities of Tambov province for the calculation of run-in money. Tambov: Type. lips. of the reign, 1887.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах