Visual materials
Visual materials
Let the movement, raised by the collective farmers of the Tambov and Saratov regions, grow and spread! Let our tanks and planes, built with the means of collective farmers, crush, tear and destroy the Germans, let them show the damned fascists the strength of our collective farm, heroic! (Advanced "Pravda", December 12, 1942)
Archangel, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1914-1982). Let the movement, raised by the collective farmers of the Tambov and Saratov regions, grow and spread! Let our tanks and planes, built with the means of collective farmers, crush, tear and destroy the Germans, let them show the damned fascists the strength of our collective farm, heroic! (Advanced Pravda, December 12, 1942).
Российская Академия художеств. Науч. б-ка
The removal of grain wrapped in combines to the pantries of the collective farm "Towards a five -year plan".Tambov region.1944 A photographer is not established.
The removal of grain wrapped in combines to the pantries of the collective farm "Towards a five -year plan".Tambov region.1944. The photographer was not established. 1944.
1944 г.
Российский государственный архив кинофотодокументов