Social activity
Social activity
Escape from the Kuban of the three Don regiments in 1792, the riot on the Don and the settlement of the villages included in the Kuban equestrian shelf
Felitsyn, E.D. Pobeg from Kuban three Don regiments in 1792, Riot on the Don and settlement of the villages who are part of the Kuban horse shelf.Ekaterinodar: type-lit.A.P.Stashevsky, 1895.
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Kuban region
The All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Councils of Workers and Soldiers' Deputies of the 4th convocation.Kuban region.
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The statement of the delegates of the Kuban Cossack army on the allocation of the Kuban region and the Black Sea province in a special election district for the election in the Constituent Assembly
Chancellery of the Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government.The statement of the delegates of the Kuban Cossack army on the allocation of the Kuban region and the Black Sea province in a special election district for elections to the Constituent Assembly.
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Reporting Report of the regional Ekaterinodar group.Correspondence from the Central Committee of the Party on organizational issues (in reading lectures, admission to the party).Re-election leaflets.Newspaper reports on the congress of landowners and rural owners of the Kuban region
Party of People's Freedom (Cadets).Reporting Report of the regional Ekaterinodar group.Correspondence from the Central Committee of the Party on organizational issues (in reading lectures, admission to the party).Re-election leaflets.Newspaper reports on the congress of landowners and rural owners of the Kuban region.
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A letter from the Yekaterinodar Committee of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party to Kerensky AF asking him to send a statement of consent to run for membership in the Constituent Assembly from the Black Sea-Kuban constituency
A letter from the Yekaterinodar Committee of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party to Kerensky AF asking him to send a statement of consent to run for membership in the Constituent Assembly from the Black Sea-Kuban constituency.
A letter from the Yekaterinodar Committee of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party to Kerensky AF asking him to send a statement of consent to run for membership in the Constituent Assembly from the Black Sea-Kuban constituency.
Kuban and Black Sea in the history of Russian nationality (1860-1890s.)
Kuban and Black Sea in the history of Russian nationality (1860-1890s).2015.
About the strike of employees on the construction of the port of Tuapse.
On the strike of employees on the construction of the port of Tuapse. 1917.
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About the riots in Yekaterinodar on the basis of a lack of manufacturing products.
On the riots in Yekaterinodar, on the basis of a lack of manufacturing products. 1917.
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- The Great Russian Revolution and the Civil War
October in the Kuban and Chernomoria
Октябрь на Кубани и Черноморьи. Краснодар : Буревестник, 1924.Lists and information on the organization of polling stations in the Tver, Pskov provinces, according to the Maikop department of the Kuban region, along the Bezhetsk district of the Volchanskaya village
Russia (1917, February-October). Commission for Elections to the Constituent Assembly. Lists and information on the organization of polling stations in Tver, Pskov provinces, Maikop department of the Kuban region, Bezhetsk district of Volchanskaya stanitsa. 19 -.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахClass struggle and the kulaks in the Kuban
Likhnitsky, Nikolay Tikhonovich. Class struggle and the kulaks in the Kuban. Rostov n / a: Book publishing "The North Caucasus", 1931. - Public organizations
Statistical compilation
Statistical compilation.Ekaterinodar: Type.Kuban Coop.Unions, 1919.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахProtocol of the 1st All-Town-Black Sea Congress of Public Committees of Public Assistance of September 16, 1922
All-Town-Black Sea Congress of Committees of Public Assistance (1; 1922; Krasnodar).Minutes of the 1st All-Town-Black Sea Congress of Public Assistance Committees of September 16, 1922.1922.Stages of the development of the professional association of employees of the Enlightenment of Kuban and Chernomoria.(1896-1924)
Georgiadi, Janko.Stages of the development of the professional association of employees of the Enlightenment of Kuban and Chernomoria.(1896-1924).Krasnodar: Cubano-Chernomor.oblastDepartureUniversity of Enlightenment Workers, 1924.Trade unions of industrial enterprises of the Don and Kuban during the Great Patriotic War
Gurov, Maxim Ivanovich. Trade unions of industrial enterprises of the Don and Kuban during the Great Patriotic War. Rostov on Don, 2006.- Volunteer organizations
Creation and development of operational Komsomol detachments of combatants in the USSR
Reshmet, Dmitry Alexandrovich (candidate of historical sciences). Creation and development of operational Komsomol detachments of combatants in the USSR. Slavyansk-on-Kuban, 2016.