Geographical location. Physical geography
Geographical location. Physical geography
Proceedings of the Peter the Great Geological Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. T. 8. 1914. Issue. 13. Report on a business trip to the Kuban region
Proceedings of the Peter the Great Geological Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.
Zilbermints, VAAT 8. 1914. Issue. 13: Report on a business trip to the Kuban region. Petrograd: Phototype. and type. A.F. Dressler, 1916.
Zilbermints, VAAT 8. 1914. Issue. 13: Report on a business trip to the Kuban region. Petrograd: Phototype. and type. A.F. Dressler, 1916.
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
On the state of nature management and on the protection of the environment of the Krasnodar Territory in 2015
On the state of nature management and on the protection of the environment of the Krasnodar Territory in 2015. Krasnodar, 2016.
Министерство природных ресурсов Краснодарского края
- Meteorological research
G. Anapa - a sea bathing resort and a climate station on the Black Sea coast
Budzinsky, Vladimir Adolfovich (1861-1923). G. Anapa is a sea bathing resort and a climate station on the Black Sea coast. St. Petersburg: Printing house of P. P. Soykin, 1905.Meteorological elements of Yalta, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Sochi, Gagra and Sukhumi for the year and every month of the summer half of 1900-1908.
Meteorological elements of Yalta, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Sochi, Gagra and Sukhum for the year and every month of the summer half of 1900-1908 [St Petersburg: M. Stasyulevich's printing house, 1908].The northern part of the Black Sea coast, its climate and colonization
Voeikov, Alexander Ivanovich (1842-1916). The northern part of the Black Sea coast, its climate and colonization. [St. Petersburg]: Phototype and type. AF Dressler, [1913]. - The Red Book
Red book of the Krasnodar Territory
Red book of the Krasnodar Territory. Krasnodar: Center for the Development of the Press, Television and Radio of Krasnodar Region, 2007.Red book of the Krasnodar Territory
Red book of the Krasnodar Territory. Krasnodar, 2007.