Relocation to Siberia
Relocation to Siberia
Siberian migration. 1901, issue. 1. Movement to Siberia
Siberian migration. Chelyabinsk: Publication of the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1898-1907.
1901 year, issue. 1: Movement in Siberia. 1905.
1901 year, issue. 1: Movement in Siberia. 1905.
Siberian migration. 1902 year, issue. 1. Movement to Siberia
Siberian migration. Chelyabinsk: Publication of the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1898-1907.
1902 year, issue. 1: Movement in Siberia. 1906.
1902 year, issue. 1: Movement in Siberia. 1906.
Migration, land management and survey in Siberia
Smirnov, L.I. Migration, land management and survey in Siberia.Krasnoyarsk: Type.Diocesan Brotherhood, 1914.
GUNB of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Формирование и социально-экономическое развитие европейских общин в Западной Сибири в условиях общественных трансформаций XIX - начала XX в.
Shaidurov, Vladimir Nikolaevich.Formation and socio-economic development of the European Communities in Western Siberia in the conditions of social transformation XIX - early XX v.Barnaul 2016.