Relocation to the Far East
Relocation to the Far East
Questions of colonization. No. 4
Questions of colonization. St. Petersburg, 1907-1917.
No. 4: No. 4. [1909].
No. 4: No. 4. [1909].
Алтайская КУНБ
Collection of the main official documents on the management of Eastern Siberia. T. 2. Resettlement of Russian people in the Amur Territory
Collection of the main official documents on the management of Eastern Siberia. Т. 2: Resettlement of Russian people to the Amur Region. Issue. 3. About the round-the-world resettlement in the South Ussuri region and the arrangement there of the first batch of settlers sent from Odessa in 1883. Category: Irkutsk. Headquarters East. sib. military. okr., 1883-1885. 1884.
State policy on rendering social assistance and support to the population of the Russian Far East in conditions of settling and economic development of the region
Petrova, Olga Aleksandrovna (Candidate of Science). State policy to provide social assistance and support to the population of the Russian Far East in conditions of settling and economic development of the region. Ulan-Ude, 2011.
Resettlement policy of the Russian government in the Far East during the Stolypin reforms
Zueva, Nelly Sergeevna. The resettlement policy of the Russian government in the Far East during the Stolypin reforms. Moscow, 2016.
PRUSSULAVSKY A. On his article "On the settlement of the Far East by elements fit for its defense"
Zvelygintsev Alexander Ivanovich, landowner of the Voronezh province, deputy of the III State Duma, member of the Union on October 17 party.PRUSSULAVSKY A. On his article "On the settlement of the Far East by elements suitable for its defense."
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
On the resettlement of peasants and Cossacks to the Far East in order to colonize the rights
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
On the resettlement of peasants and Cossacks to the Far East with a view to colonizing rights.
On the resettlement of peasants and Cossacks to the Far East with a view to colonizing rights.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Vvedensky I. К Recent years Far East resettlement. pp. 112-133 (scans 124-145)
Vvedensky I. The issue of colonization of Sakhalin Island. pp. 163-167 (scans175–179)
The results of the activities of resettlement organizations for the allotment of land and the resettlement of settlers in 1908 – Soil and botanical studies of the colonization areas of the Trans-Urals in 1908 – Estimates of the Resettlement Department for 1909 – A mission by the supreme command to the Far East of Comrade Chief Administrator of land and agriculture Management, Senator B. E. Ivanitsky. – Meeting on the resettlement case in the resettlement department. pp. 334-360 (346-352)