Collections of Russian Historical Society

Collections of Russian Historical Society

  • Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Saint-Petersburg, 1867-1916.

    Edition of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. It was published in 1867-1916 in Saint-Petersburg. Separate volumes in 1901-1913 were published in Yuriev and Moscow. The publication frequency was not regular. A total of 148 volumes were published. The collection was edited under the supervision of Society members and edited by the Society Chairman (at different times): A. O. Bychkov, A. N. Popov, G. F. Shtendman, prof. A. N. Filippov, A. A. Polovtsev, V. I. Sergeevich, N. V. Golitsyn, K. A. Gubastov, Grand Prince Nikolai Mikhailovich, V. V. Maykov, S. F. Platonov, S. A Belokurov, and others. The magazine published documents and materials on the Russian history of the XV-XIX centuries. Each volume includes the table of contents of all previous volumes. The publication was resumed in Moscow in 1999 with the title "Collection of the Russian Historical Society".

    Presented issues: 1867-1916 (full set).