Sources on the Decembrist Revolt
Sources on the Decembrist Revolt
Decembrists and secret societies in Russia
Decembrists and secret societies in Russia. Moscow: The publication of VM Sablin, 1906.
Memoirs of the Decembrists
Dovnar-Zapolsky, Mitrofan Viktorovich (1867-1934). Memoirs of the Decembrists. Kiev: edition of the bookstore SI Ivanov and Co., 1906.
Report of the Investigative Commission [for research on malevolent societies to His Imperial Majesty]
Russia. Commission for the investigation of malicious societies. Report of the Investigation Commission [for research on malevolent societies to His Imperial Majesty]. [St. Petersburg, 1826].
Тульская ОУНБ
From the letters and testimony of the Decembrists
From letters and testimony of the Decembrists. St. Petersburg. : Izd. M. V. Pirozhkova, 1906.
Selected socio-political and philosophical works of the Decembrists. T. 2. [Southern Society]
Selected socio-political and philosophical works of the Decembrists. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1951.
T. 2: [Southern Society]. 1951.
T. 2: [Southern Society]. 1951.
Свердловская обл. библиотека для детей и юношества
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Selected socio-political and philosophical works of the Decembrists. T. 3. [Society of United Slavs. Decembrists in Siberia. On the influence of the Decembrists on the development of Russian social thought]
Selected socio-political and philosophical works of the Decembrists. Moscow: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1951.
T. 3: [Society of United Slavs; Decembrists in Siberia; On the influence of the Decembrists on the development of Russian social thought]. 1951.
T. 3: [Society of United Slavs; Decembrists in Siberia; On the influence of the Decembrists on the development of Russian social thought]. 1951.
Свердловская обл. библиотека для детей и юношества
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах
Oksman, Julian Grigorievich (1895-1970).
The Decembrists. L .: Gos. publishing house, 1926.
Russian truth
Pestel, Pavel Ivanovich (1793-1826). Russian truth. St. Petersburg: Culture, 1906.
- Memories
Memoirs of the Decembrist about the experience and emotion
Belyaev, Alexander Petrovich (1803-1887 / 88). Memoirs of the Decembrist about what he experienced and felt.
St. Petersburg: AS Suvorin, 1882.Notes of Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky (Decembrist)
Volkonsky, Sergey Grigorievich (1788-1865). Notes of Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky (Decembrist). St. Petersburg: Synodal Printing House, 1902.About Decembrists
Volkonsky, Sergey Mikhailovich (1860-1937). On the Decembrists.
Petersburg: Publishing house "Nachala", 1922.Memoirs of the Decembrist Alexander Semenovich Gangebelov
Gangeblov, Alexander Semenovich (1801-1891). Memoirs of the Decembrist Alexander Semenovich Gangebelov. Moscow: University Press, 1888.Notes of the Decembrist I. I. Gorbachevsky
Gorbachevsky, Ivan Ivanovich (1800-1869). Notes of the Decembrist II Gorbachevsky. Moscow: Zadug, 1916.Notes of the Decembrist
Zavalishin, Dmitry Irinarkhovich (1804-1892). Notes of the Decembrist. St. Petersburg: printing house of M. Wolf, [1910].Notes of the Decembrist
Rosen, Andrei Evgenievich (Baron, 1799-1884). Notes of the Decembrist. St. Petersburg: [Printing House T-va "Public Benefit"], 1907.Notes of Prince S. P. Trubetskoy
Trubetskoy, Sergei Petrovich (1790-1860). Notes of Prince S. P. Trubetskoy.
St. Petersburg: Type. "Sirius", 1906 (region 1907).Notes of ID Yakushkin
Yakushkin, Ivan Dmitrievich (1793-1857). Notes of ID Yakushkin.
Moscow: [Publishing House "Russian Life"], 1908.