Sources on the Decembrist Revolt
Sources on the Decembrist Revolt
Process of the Decembrists
Process of the Decembrists. Moscow: the publication of I. A. Malinin, 1905.
The execution of five Decembrists on July 13, 1826 and Emperor Nicholas I
Nikolai Mikhailovich (Grand Duke, 1859-1919). Execution of five Decembrists on July 13, 1826 and Emperor Nicholas I. Petrograd: printing house of A. Suvorin's Novoe Vremya, 1916.
Collection of poems by the Decembrists. T. 1
Collection of poems by the Decembrists.
T. 1. M.: Pechatnya A.I. Snegireva, 1906.
T. 1. M.: Pechatnya A.I. Snegireva, 1906.
Тюменская ОНБ
Compositions and correspondence Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleeva
Rileyev, Kondraty Fedorovich. Compositions and correspondence Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleeva. St. Petersburg. : A type. I. I. Glazunov, 1872.
The interregnum of 1825 and the Decembrist uprising in the correspondence and memoirs of members of the royal family
Interregnum of 1825 and the Decembrist uprising in the correspondence and memoirs of members of the royal family.
M .; L .: Gos. publishing house, 1926.
M .; L .: Gos. publishing house, 1926.
The murder of Paul I and the accession to the throne of Nicholas I
Shiman, Theodore (1847-1921).
The murder of Paul I and the accession to the throne of Nicholas I.
Berlin: G. Reimer, 1902.
Berlin: G. Reimer, 1902.
- Memories
Memoirs of the Decembrist about the experience and emotion
Belyaev, Alexander Petrovich (1803-1887 / 88). Memoirs of the Decembrist about what he experienced and felt.
St. Petersburg: AS Suvorin, 1882.Notes of Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky (Decembrist)
Volkonsky, Sergey Grigorievich (1788-1865). Notes of Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky (Decembrist). St. Petersburg: Synodal Printing House, 1902.About Decembrists
Volkonsky, Sergey Mikhailovich (1860-1937). On the Decembrists.
Petersburg: Publishing house "Nachala", 1922.Memoirs of the Decembrist Alexander Semenovich Gangebelov
Gangeblov, Alexander Semenovich (1801-1891). Memoirs of the Decembrist Alexander Semenovich Gangebelov. Moscow: University Press, 1888.Notes of the Decembrist I. I. Gorbachevsky
Gorbachevsky, Ivan Ivanovich (1800-1869). Notes of the Decembrist II Gorbachevsky. Moscow: Zadug, 1916.Notes of the Decembrist
Zavalishin, Dmitry Irinarkhovich (1804-1892). Notes of the Decembrist. St. Petersburg: printing house of M. Wolf, [1910].Notes of the Decembrist
Rosen, Andrei Evgenievich (Baron, 1799-1884). Notes of the Decembrist. St. Petersburg: [Printing House T-va "Public Benefit"], 1907.Notes of Prince S. P. Trubetskoy
Trubetskoy, Sergei Petrovich (1790-1860). Notes of Prince S. P. Trubetskoy.
St. Petersburg: Type. "Sirius", 1906 (region 1907).Notes of ID Yakushkin
Yakushkin, Ivan Dmitrievich (1793-1857). Notes of ID Yakushkin.
Moscow: [Publishing House "Russian Life"], 1908.