Childhood and the grand-ducal period (1818–1855)

Childhood and the grand-ducal period (1818–1855)

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. [T. thirty]. The years of the teachings of his Imperial Highness the heir of the Tsarevich Alexander Nikolayevich, now safely reigning emperor of the emperor

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
[T. 30]: The years of the teaching of his Imperial Highness the heir of the Tsarevich Alexander Nikolayevich, now safely reigning emperor. S. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Second Department of the Own EI V. Chancellery, 1880.

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. T. 31. Years of the teachings of his Imperial Highness heir of the Tsarevich Alexander Nikolayevich, now safely reigning emperor of the emperor

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 31: The Years of the Teaching of His Imperial Highness the Heir of the Tsarevich Alexander Nikolayevich, now safely reigning Emperor's Sovereign. S. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Second Department of the Own EI V. Chancellery, 1880.