200th anniversary of accession to the Russian Livonia (1910)
200th anniversary of accession to the Russian Livonia (1910)
Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov, who is in the retinue of Emperor Nicholas II at the celebrations dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Livonia's accession to Russia, is present at the Sokol Gymnastics show in the courtyard of the Mykolayiv Gymnasium
Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov, who is in the retinue of Emperor Nicholas II at the celebrations dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Livonia's accession to Russia, is present at the Sokol Gymnastics show in the courtyard of the Mykolayiv Gymnasium.
Riga, July 4, 1910.
Riga, July 4, 1910.
Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov is present in Kurtengoff (Peter's camps) at the unveiling ceremony of the monument to Peter the Great in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II (on horseback)
Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov is present in Kurtengoff (Peter's Camps) at the opening ceremony of the monument to Peter the Great in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II (mounted horse).
Kurtengoff, 1910.
Kurtengoff, 1910.
The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, PA Stolypin, is present at the inspection of the free fire brigade of Riga in the courtyard of the castle
The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, PA Stolypin, is present at the inspection of the free fire brigade of Riga in the courtyard of the castle.
Riga, July 4, 1910.
Riga, July 4, 1910.