General section
General section
Alphabetical list of members of the Constituent Assembly
The Chancery of the Tauride Palace.
Alphabetical list of members of the Constituent Assembly.
Alphabetical list of members of the Constituent Assembly.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
All-Russian Constituent Assembly
All-Russian Constituent Assembly. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1930; Leningrad.
ГПИБ. Центр социально-политической истории
Izvestia No. 1-20 of the All-Russian Election Commission for Elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Commission
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Izvestia No. 1-20 of the All-Russian Elections in the Constituent Assembly of the Commission.
Izvestia No. 1-20 of the All-Russian Elections in the Constituent Assembly of the Commission.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
Lists of candidates to the Constituent Assembly from different parties in electoral districts
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Lists of candidates to the Constituent Assembly from different parties in electoral districts.
Lists of candidates to the Constituent Assembly from different parties in electoral districts.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
A note compiled by the Director of the Central Statistical Committee on the number and composition of voters in the Constituent Assembly
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Information compiled by the director of the Central Statistical Committee on the number and composition of voters in the Constituent Assembly.
Information compiled by the director of the Central Statistical Committee on the number and composition of voters in the Constituent Assembly.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации