General section. Forest management department
General section. Forest management department
On the forest wealth of Russia and the most profitable way
About the forest wealth of Russia and the most profitable way. St. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Ministry of State Property, 1856.
Forest conservation, or conservation rules for growing forests
Perelygin, Peter Andrianovich (1802-1840). Forest conservation, or the conservation of growing forests. St. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Medical Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1835.
Sowing and planting of the forest
Burkhardt, Henry the Christian (1811-1879). Sowing and planting a forest. St. Petersburg: The Edition of AF Devrien, 1876.
"A note on the various rules that private forests are subject to, both in Russia and in some foreign countries"
Vasilchikovs, princes.
"A note on the various rules that private forests are subject to, both in Russia and in some foreign countries."
"A note on the various rules that private forests are subject to, both in Russia and in some foreign countries."
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Rough excerpts, including snippets of articles and notes from an unidentified person, Alexander Illarionovich Vasilchikov on savings-saving partnerships and land credit, forestry in Russia
Vasilchikovs, princes.
Rough excerpts, including excerpts from articles and notes by an unknown person, Alexander Illarionovich Vasilchikov on savings savings partnerships and land credit, forestry in Russia.
Rough excerpts, including excerpts from articles and notes by an unknown person, Alexander Illarionovich Vasilchikov on savings savings partnerships and land credit, forestry in Russia.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Forest Dictionary. Part 1
Forest Dictionary. St. Petersburg: in the privileged printing house Fisher, 1843-1845.
Part 1. 1843.
Part 1. 1843.
Forest Dictionary. Part 2
Forest Dictionary. St. Petersburg: in the privileged printing house Fisher, 1843-1845.
Part 2. 1844.
Part 2. 1844.
Forest Dictionary. Part 3
Forest Dictionary. St. Petersburg: in the privileged printing house Fisher, 1843-1845.
Part 3.
Part 3.