Northwestern Federal District
Northwestern Federal District
Political ecology as the basis of modern ecological policy of Russia
Borisov, Nikolai Alexandrovich (candidate of political sciences). Political ecology as the basis of modern ecological policy of Russia. St. Petersburg, 2014.
Development of the Tikhvin water system and its impact on the economy and population of the region in the XIX - first half of the XX century.
Zyurin, Viktor Gennadievich (candidate of historical sciences). Development of the Tikhvin water system and its impact on the economy and population of the region in the XIX - first half of XX centuries. St. Petersburg, 2009.
Natural basis for the formation of rural settlements in the Arkhangelsk region
Strekalovskaya, Olga Nikolaevna (candidate of geographical sciences). Natural foundations of the formation of rural settlements in the Arkhangelsk region. St. Petersburg, 2007.