Ural Federal District
Ural Federal District
Notes of the Ural Society of Natural Science Lovers. T. 31, no. 2. Meteorological Bulletin for 1911
The Urals Society of Natural Science Lovers. (Ekaterinburg). Notes of the Ural Society of Natural Science Lovers. Ekaterinburg, 1874-1927.
T. 31, no. 2: Meteorological Bulletin for 1911. Ekaterinburg: the printing house of EN Ershova and Co., 1912.
T. 31, no. 2: Meteorological Bulletin for 1911. Ekaterinburg: the printing house of EN Ershova and Co., 1912.
Свердловская обл. библиотека для детей и юношества
Proceedings of the Arctic Institute. Hydrology and meteorology. 64. Scientific results of the expedition on the icebreaker "Sedov" in the Kara Sea in 1934
Arctic Research Institute. (Leningrad). Proceedings of the Arctic Institute. Leningrad: Publishing House of the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, 1931-1938.
T. 64: Scientific results of the expedition on the icebreaker "Sedov" in the Kara Sea in 1934. 1936.
T. 64: Scientific results of the expedition on the icebreaker "Sedov" in the Kara Sea in 1934. 1936.
Архангельская ОНБ
Локтионов. А.Ф. Метеорологические наблюдения, произведенные экспедицией на л/п «Седов» и г/с «Таймыр» в 1934 г. С. 171-193 (сканы 172-194)
- Sverdlovsk Oblast
g. Ekaterinburg. Observatoriia na Plieshivoi gorie
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). g. Ekaterinburg. Observatoriia na Plieshivoi gorie. [1910]. - Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Hydro meteorological service in the Kara Sea for seafaring and weather forecasting purposes
Breitfuss, Leonid Lvovich (1872-1950). Hydro meteorological service in the Kara Sea for navigation and weather forecasting. Petrograd: printing house of the Naval Ministry, 1916.