Siberian Federal District
Siberian Federal District
Izvestiya of the East Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society. 1906, Vol. 37. Materials for Climatology of Asian Russia
Russian Geographical Society. East-Siberian department. Izvestiya of the East Siberian Division of the Russian Geographical Society. Irkutsk, 1878-1917.
1906, Т. 37: Materials to climatology of Asian Russia. Irkutsk: Steam typolithography of PI Makushin and VM Posokhin, 1909.
1906, Т. 37: Materials to climatology of Asian Russia. Irkutsk: Steam typolithography of PI Makushin and VM Posokhin, 1909.
Русское географическое общество
Schematic of winds and atmospheric distribution. precipitation of Siberia //. Siberia
Schematic of winds and atmospheric distribution. the precipitation of Siberia.
Иркутская ОГУНБ
Proceedings of the Arctic Institute. Hydrology and meteorology. Scientific results of the Arctic expedition on the "Sedov" in 1930
Arctic Research Institute. (Leningrad). Proceedings of the Arctic Institute. Leningrad: Publishing House of the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, 1931-1938.
Scientific results of the Arctic expedition on the "Sedov" in 1930. 1933.
Scientific results of the Arctic expedition on the "Sedov" in 1930. 1933.
Архангельская ОНБ
Визе. В. Ю. Метеорологические наблюдения, произведенные экспедицией на л/п «Седов» летом 1930 года. С. 139-150 (сканы 153-164); Метеорологические и гидрологические наблюдения, произведенные на м/с «Белуха» в 1930 году. С. 151-173 (сканы 165-176)
Proceedings of the Arctic Institute. Hydrology. T. 42. The results of scientific work of the expedition on the icebreaker "Rusanov" in 1932
Arctic Research Institute. (Leningrad). Proceedings of the Arctic Institute. Leningrad: Publishing House of the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, 1931-1938.
T. 42: Results of scientific works of the expedition on the icebreaker ship "Rusanov" in 1932. 1936.
T. 42: Results of scientific works of the expedition on the icebreaker ship "Rusanov" in 1932. 1936.
Архангельская ОНБ
Proceedings of the Arctic Institute. Geophysics. 69. Aerological observations of polar stations for the winter of 1933-1934
Arctic Research Institute. (Leningrad). Proceedings of the Arctic Institute. Leningrad: Publishing House of the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, 1931-1938.
T. 69: Aerological observations of polar stations for the winter of 1933-1934. 1936.
T. 69: Aerological observations of polar stations for the winter of 1933-1934. 1936.
Архангельская ОНБ
Ч. 3. Результаты метеорологических наблюдений. С. 101-111 (сканы 65-75)
- Altai Krai
Altitudes of terrains in the Altai, calculated by GK Tyumentsev according to VI Vereshchagin
Tyumentsev, Gavriil Konstantinovich (teacher, meteorologist, Siberian studies specialist, 1842-1931). Altitudes of terrains in the Altai, calculated by G. K. Tyumentsev according to VI Vereshchagin. Barnaul: Typo-lithography of the Altai District Administration, 1911.Climate of Altai
Orlov, Alexander Alexandrovich. Climate of Altai. St. Petersburg: edition of the Assembly of Engineers of Communications, 1912. - Zabaykalsky Krai
Proceedings of the Aginskoye Expedition. .... Issue. 2. The climate
The Aginsk expedition. 1908. (1908). Proceedings of the Aginskoye Expedition. Irkutsk, 1910-1913.
Вып. 2: The climate. 1913. - Irkutsk Oblast
By Siberia
Novombergsky, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1871-1949). In Siberia. St. Petersburg: Type. The house of charity is young. poor, 1903.Статьи «засуха и борьба с нею», «Как восполнить недостаток сена» (сканы 126–141) - Krasnoyarsk Krai
Observations of meteorological stations of the Yenisei province .... .... ... for 1901.
Observations of meteorological stations of the Yenisei province ... Irkutsk: steam typo-lit. PI Makushin and VM Posokhin, 1902-1906.
... for the year 1901 г .902.Observations of meteorological stations of the Yenisei province .... .... ... for 1902.
Observations of meteorological stations of the Yenisei province ... Irkutsk: steam typo-lit. PI Makushin and VM Posokhin, 1902-1906.
... for 1902 year. 1904.Observations of meteorological stations of the Yenisei province .... .... ... for 1903.
Observations of meteorological stations of the Yenisei province ... Irkutsk: steam typo-lit. PI Makushin and VM Posokhin, 1902-1906.
... for 1903 year. 1906. - The Altai Republic
Chemal. Training climatic health resort
Nesterov, A. I. Chemal. A training climatic health resort. Tomsk: Publication of DO ZIKS in Chemal, 1933.