Russian-Chinese dictionaries
Russian-Chinese dictionaries
Graphic system of Chinese characters
Graphic system of Chinese characters. St. Petersburg: Lithograph of N. Tiblen and Co., 1867.
Русское географическое общество
Russian-Chinese dictionary of spoken language
Isaiah (Polikin, Ivan, Sinologist, Hieromonk of the Russian Mission in Beijing 1850-1870 gg., - 1871). Russian-Chinese dictionary of spoken language. Beijing: [published by the dependency of the Kyatinsky 1st Guild of Merchants F. F. Chemiakin and M. F. Osokin], 1867.
Pocket Russian-Chinese Dictionary
Russian Orthodox mission in China. Pocket Russian-Chinese dictionary. Beijing: the printing house of the Assumption Monastery at the Russian Spiritual Mission, 1908.
A complete Sino-Russian dictionary compiled from the dictionaries of Zhils, archimandrite Palladiy [Kafarov, PI], PS Popov and others. T. 1
A complete Sino-Russian dictionary compiled from the dictionaries of Zhils, archimandrite Palladiy [Kafarov, PI], PS Popov and others. Beijing: Beijing spiritual mission, 1909.
T. 1. Beijing: the edition of the Chief of the spiritual mission, 1909.
T. 1. Beijing: the edition of the Chief of the spiritual mission, 1909.
A complete Sino-Russian dictionary compiled from the dictionaries of Zhils, archimandrite Palladiy [Kafarov, PI], PS Popov and others. T. 2
A complete Sino-Russian dictionary compiled from the dictionaries of Zhils, archimandrite Palladiy [Kafarov, PI], PS Popov and others. Beijing: Beijing spiritual mission, 1909.
T. 2. Beijing: the Beijing spiritual mission, 1909.
T. 2. Beijing: the Beijing spiritual mission, 1909.
Библиотека Московской духовной академии
Russian-Chinese dictionary
Cheng-hun-chi. Russian-Chinese dictionary. Harbin: Rus.-Whale. a type. "Kwang-ki", 1917.
Russian-Chinese dictionary of legal, diplomatic, political, economic, philosophical and other scientific terms
Russian-Chinese dictionary of legal, diplomatic, political, economic, philosophical and other scientific terms. Beijing: B. and., 1927.
Russian-Chinese article dictionary
Russian-Chinese article dictionary. Moscow: KUTK, 1929.
A brief Russian-Chinese special dictionary of terms and expressions on forestry, compiled by prof. A.V. Rudakov
A brief Russian-Chinese special dictionary of terms and expressions on forestry, compiled by prof. A.V. Rudakov. Vladivostok: Educational Publishing House of the Far Eastern State University, 1932.
Military Russian-Chinese Phrase Book
Bark, V. War-Russian-Chinese Phrase Book. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1937.