Series of enactments
Series of enactments
Acts relating to the legal life of ancient Russia. T. 3. Поступныя, messenger, sentences, orders, washing, протроп, проезжия, разбор, розводныя, роздельныя, розрубники, розъеззды, росписи, mural, роспросныя speeches, row, conspiracy, deal, fairy tale, estimates, lists, urgent, loan , the rate of full-time, stavlenaya, article lists, decrees, price, petitions, turnout
Acts relating to the legal life of ancient Russia. T. 3: Поступныя, messenger, sentences, orders, washing, протроп, проезжия, разбор, розводныя, роздельныя, розрубники, розъеззды, росписи, mural, роспросныя speeches, row, conspiracy, deal, fairy tale, estimates, lists, urgent, loan , the rate of full-time, stavlenaya, article lists, decrees, price, petitions, appearances.
St. Petersburg: in the Type. Imperial Academy. Sciences, 1857-1884. 1884.
St. Petersburg: in the Type. Imperial Academy. Sciences, 1857-1884. 1884.
Acts relating to the history of Western Russia, collected and published by Arheogr. by the Commission. T. 3. 1544-1587
Acts relating to the history of Western Russia, collected and published by Arheogr. by the Commission. St. Petersburg: type. 2-go-wing Priv. e. i. Office, 1846-1853.
T. 3:1544-1587. 1848.
T. 3:1544-1587. 1848.
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. T. 1. 1361-1598
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. St. Petersburg, 1863-1892.
T. 1: 1361-1598. 1863.
T. 1: 1361-1598. 1863.
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. T. 2. 1599-1637
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. St. Petersburg, 1863-1892.
T. 2: 1599-1637. 1865.
T. 2: 1599-1637. 1865.
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. T. 3. 1638-1657
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. 1638-1657. Saint-Petersburg, 1863-1892. 1861 (region 1862).
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. 1657-1659
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. St. Petersburg, 1863-1892.
1657-1659. 1863.
1657-1659. 1863.
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. T. 5. 1659-1665
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. St. Petersburg, 1863-1892.
T. 5: 1659-1665. 1867.
T. 5: 1659-1665. 1867.
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. T. 6. 1665-1668
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. St. Petersburg, 1863-1892.
T. 6: 1665-1668. 1869.
T. 6: 1665-1668. 1869.
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. T. 7. 1657-1663. 1668-1669
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. St. Petersburg, 1863-1892.
T. 7: 1657-1663. 1668-1669. 1872.
T. 7: 1657-1663. 1668-1669. 1872.
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. T. 8. 1668-1669. 1648-1657
Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Russia, collected and published by the Archeographic Commission. St. Petersburg, 1863-1892.
T. 8: 1668-1669. 1648-1657. 1875.
T. 8: 1668-1669. 1648-1657. 1875.