Writings of P. A. Kropotkin
Writings of P. A. Kropotkin
- Geographical researches
Studies on the glacial period. Issue. 1. About glacial deposits in Finland. On the basis of the hypothesis of the Ice Age
Kropotkin. Pyotr Alekseevich. 1842-1921. Studies on the glacial period. St. Petersburg: printing house M. Stasyulevich, 1876.
Вып. 1: On glacial deposits in Finland; On the grounds of the ice age hypothesis. 1876.Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. By general geography. T. 3. Report on the Olekmin-Vitim expedition, to find the cattle-runway from the Nerchinsk District to Olekminsky, equipped in 1866 with Olekminsky gold miners, with the assistance
Russian Geographical Society. Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 3: Report on the Olekmin-Vitim expedition, to find the cattle-runway from the Nerchinsk District to Olekminsky, equipped in 1866 with Olekminsky gold miners, with the assistance of the Siberian Division of the Geographical Society. C.-Petersburg: in the Printing House V. Bezobrazov and Comp., 1873.Map of part of Olekminsko-Vitim mountainous country // Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. T. 3: Report on the Olekminsko-Vitim expedition, to find the cattle-runway from the Nerchinsk District to Olekminsky, equipped in 1866 ...
Russian Geographical Society Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. Map of part of Olekminsko-Vitim mountainous country. Film Petrograd, 1867-1915.Map of the southern half of Eastern Siberia, parts of Mongolia, Manchuria and Sakhalin // Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. T. 5
Russian Geographical Society Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. Map of the southern half of Eastern Siberia, parts of Mongolia, Manchuria and Sakhalin. Film Petrograd, 1867-1915.Review of Article Tretyakov P. I. "Tourukhan Edge"
Manuscripts of Labor on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921).Review of the article Tretyakov P. I. "Tourukhan Krai". - Works on the theory of anarchism
Disintegration of modern building
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921).Season of modern building.Geneva: New Russian Typography, 1893.Bread and Volia
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921).Bread and will.London: the publication of the Russian Communist-Anarchist Communists, 1902.State, his role in history
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921).The state, its role in history.Geneva: the publication of the group "Bread and Will", 1904.Anarchy, her philosophy, her ideal
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921).Anarchy, her philosophy, her ideal.London: A group of Russian workers anarchists-Communists, 1906.Modern science and anarchy
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921).Modern science and anarchy.Petersburg: Voice of Labor, 1920;Moscow.State and its historical role
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921).The state and its historical role.Moscow: Typography L. Fedorova, [1917]. - Opinion journalism
PA Kropotkin about the war
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921). PA Kropotkin about the war. Moscow: printing house of the Ryabushinskys, 1916.Consequences of the German Invasion
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842 - 1921). Consequences of the German invasion.
Moscow: Type. t-va "Cooper, ed.", 1917.Letters about current events
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921). Letters about current events.
Moscow: Zadruga, 1917.Open letter to Western European Workers
Kropotkin, Peter Alekseevich (1842-1921).Open letter to Western European workers.Moscow: Pokhalin, 1918. - Transcript of speaking appearance at the Moscow State Meeting on August 1917
Transcripts of the speeches of General Alekseev, representative of the fleet, representative of the Petrogradsky Council of Officer's Deputies of Josh, Dutsk, Abramova, Breschko-Brescovskaya, Kropotkin, Plekhanov, etc.
State Meeting of 1917 Moscow.Transcripts of the speeches of General Alekseev, representative of the fleet, representative of the Petrogradsky Council of Officer's Deputies of Josh, Dutsk, Abramova, Breschko-Brescovskaya, Kropotkin, Plekhanov, etc. - Correspondence
Letters P. A. Kropotkin and draft of response letters
Tchaikovsky Nikolai Vasilyevich, a member of the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, the Creator of the Tchaiktsev Society, a member of the Socialist Revolutionaries Party, Head of the Supreme Department of the Northern Region, Head of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, a member of the South Russian government under the general A. I. Denikin.Letters P. A. Kropotkin and draft of response letters.Letters of S. G. Kropotkin
Tchaikovsky Nikolai Vasilyevich, a member of the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, the Creator of the Tchaiktsev Society, a member of the Socialist Revolutionaries Party, Head of the Supreme Department of the Northern Region, Head of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, a member of the South Russian government under the general A. I. Denikin.Letters of S. G. Kropotkin.Kropotkin's letter to PA Kerensky, AF
Letter from Kropotkin to PA Kerensky A.F.Telegrams of managing the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars Kropotkin P. A. and Chairman of the Dmitrovsky Council on the provision of Kropotkin in all
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Telegrams of managing the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars Kropotkin P. A. and Chairman of the Dmitrovsky Council on the provision of coropotypes of all assistance.
Выступление П. А. Кропоткина (сканы 37-38)