Title Kropotkin's letter to PA Kerensky, AF Series Kerensky AF. 1844-1918 gg. Fonds KERENSKY ALEXANDER FEDOROVICH, POLITICAL ACTIVITY, MEMBER OF THE PARTY OF SOCIALIST-REVOLUTIONORS, LAWYER, MINISTER-CHAIRMAN AND THE SUPREME COMMANDER OF ARMED FORCES OF THE INTERIM STATE GOVERNMENT (since May 24, 1917). 1881-1970 Display format Full description RUSMARC Collections 1917 → September → Kornilov affair → Letters and telegrams regarding actions of A. F. Kerensky and the Provisional Government Pyotr Kropotkin (1842–1921) → Writings of P. A. Kropotkin → Correspondence Domestic periodicals in the Presidential Library’s collections → Newspapers → V → Vologda Provincial News. Vologda, 1838-1917. → 1844