Visual materials
Visual materials
- The first and last meeting of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly, January 5 (18), 1918
Photo of the meeting of the Constituent Assembly in the Tauride Palace (Petrograd)
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Photo of the meeting of the Constituent Assembly in the Tauride Palace (Petrograd). - Participants of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly
Portrait of Minister VM Chernov
Portrait of Minister VM Chernov. Petrograd, 1917.Ya. M. Sverdlov
Nappelbaum, Moses Solomonovich (1869-1958). Ya. M. Sverdlov.Председатель ВЦИК, по поручению комитета открыл заседание собрания
Portrait of the Minister of the Provisional Government IG Tsereteli
Portrait of the Minister of the Provisional Government IG Tsereteli. Petrograd, 1917.
Председатель Всероссийского Учредительного собрания